
  1. 中国无产阶级和广大农民有天然的联系。

    The Chinese proletariat has natural ties with the peasant masses .

  2. 在昭和初年日本无产阶级文学的鼎盛时期,日本无产阶级作家对中国无产阶级的描述显示出超越国界的阶级认同。

    In the beginning of the Showa period , the Japanese proletarian writers accept Chinese proletarian as a brother of themselves .

  3. 摘要回顾中国无产阶级新闻事业至今近百年的发展历程,需要客观审视其内在的新闻思想与美学精华。

    Retrospecting the development process of Chinese proletariat press cause , we need to survey its inherent news ideology and aesthetics spirit .

  4. 作为中国无产阶级新闻美学思想的开创者之一,肖楚女得益于20世纪初期独特的社会历史环境。

    Xiao chunv , one of the forerunner of the Chinese proletariat 's news aesthetics ideology , profits from the special social history environment .

  5. 中国无产阶级新闻美学思想探源&萧楚女《中国青年》周刊编辑实践研究

    A Probe into Chinese Proletariat ′ s Press Aesthetics Ideology & A Study of Xiao Chunv ′ s Editorial Practice in Weekly Magazine " China ′ s Youth "

  6. 所以,中国无产阶级的很大一部分较之中国资产阶级的年龄和资格更老些,因而它的社会力量和社会基础也更广大些。

    Hence , a very large section of the Chinese proletariat is older and more experienced than the Chinese bourgeoisie , and is therefore a greater and more broadly based social force .

  7. 第三、由于从破产农民出身的成分占多数,中国无产阶级和广大的农民有一种天然的联系,便利于他们和农民结成亲密的联盟。

    Thirdly , because the Chinese proletariat by origin is largely made up of bankrupted peasants , it has natural ties with the peasant masses which facilitates its forming a close alliance with them .

  8. 土豪旧指富有的地主恶毒的有产乡绅,中国无产阶级同志的阶级敌人这个概念重新走红,是由于9月初中国社交媒体上一个广为流传的笑话。

    Tuhao once meant rich landowner the villainous landed gentry and class enemy of communist China 's proletariat but the term 's modern revival began with a popular joke that made its rounds on Chinese social media in early September .

  9. 本文拟探究其新闻美学思想起源,以及对无产阶级新闻报刊发展的影响,试图寻觅中国无产阶级新闻美学思想的源起与发展轨迹。

    This paper tries to probe into its origin of news aesthetics ideology , and its influence to the proletariat ′ s press development , meanwhile , the author tries to seek the origin and developing track of Chinese proletariat ′ s news aesthetics ideology .

  10. 论中国现代无产阶级文学的历史进程

    On the Evolution of the Modern Proletariat Literature of China

  11. 中国现代无产阶级文学是指1923~949年间中国现代文坛上存在的一种巨大文学现象。

    The modern proletariat literature of China refers to the obvious phenomana taking plave in the literary world of China from1923to1949 .

  12. 谁要是想撇开中国的无产阶级、农民阶级和其他小资产阶级,就一定不能解决中华民族的命运,一定不能解决中国的任何问题。

    Anyone who tries to bypass these classes will certainly be unable to solve the problem of the destiny of the Chinese nation or indeed any of China 's problems .

  13. 中国新型无产阶级政党是在半殖民地半封建社会的历史条件下,在农村和战争环境中进行建设的,面对许多特殊的困难。

    Under the historical conditions of semi colonial and semi feudal state of society , the Chinese new style proletariat party was founded in rural areas during the war period . Therefore , it faced many peculiar difficulties .

  14. 在中国建设新型无产阶级政党的特殊困难和历史经验

    The Peculiar Difficulties and Historical Experiences of the Founding of a New Style Proletariat Party in China

  15. 过去25年中国出现的无产阶级化,其规模远超人类历史上任何时期。

    Proletarianization has occurred in the past quarter century on a scale far bigger than ever before in human history .

  16. 中国的“无产阶级化”几乎一直是在生活质量和经济安全较中国上世纪50年代、60年代和70年代的水平明显提高的情况下进行的。

    For all but a tiny fraction , " proletarianization " in China has been experienced as a vast improvement in living standards and economic security above what China experienced in the 1950s , 1960s , and 1970s .

  17. 中国革命如果没有无产阶级的领导,就必然不能胜利。

    Unless it is led by the proletariat , the Chinese revolution cannot possibly succeed .

  18. 中国一度以其无产阶级自豪感而闻名,而现在一项非常贵族化的运动却在这个国度异军突起,这就是高尔夫。

    China , a country once renowned for its proletarian pride , is experiencing a surge in that most patrician of sports : golf .

  19. 由于现时的中国革命是世界无产阶级社会主义革命的一部分,因而现时的中国新文化也是世界无产阶级社会主义新文化的一部分,是它的一个伟大的同盟军;

    Since the present Chinese revolution is part of the world proletarian socialist-revolution , the new culture of China today is part of the world proletarian-socialist new culture and is its great ally .

  20. 以《中国的一日》为开端的“一日”征文活动使报告文学这一新兴文体迅速成长起来,使中国无产阶级文学获得了长足进步;

    The ' one day ' articles collected campaign which began with the article One Day of China activities helped the newly style reportage grew up quickly .