
  • 网络Modern Chinese Drama
  1. 中国话剧产生于20世纪初,是中国戏剧的一个特殊分支。

    As a special branch of Chinese theater art , Modern Chinese Drama was formed in the early 20th century .

  2. 通过对三十年代曹禺与左翼戏剧关系的梳理、分析,有利于我们有整体的联系的眼光看待文学现象,从而能更清晰地把握三十年代中国话剧的发展流变。

    By analyzing the correlation between Cao Yu 's drama and leftist drama , we can obtain the eyesight to view the literary phenomena as a whole , and can grasp the development of modern Chinese drama in the 1930 's more clearly .

  3. 论中国话剧悲剧意识的时代语境

    The Era Language Situation of Tragedy Consciousness in Chinese Modern Drama

  4. 但是对于中国话剧的翻译也如同其他形式的文学翻译一样,存在这样那样的问题。

    There also exist some problems in Chinese spoken drama translation .

  5. 他反对中国话剧艺术长期形成的封闭狭隘的传统戏剧意识,确立了开放而宽容的自觉进行戏剧自身建设的现代戏剧意识。

    He opposed traditional drama consciousness , established modern drama consciousness .

  6. 比较视野中的1930-1940年代中国话剧研究

    Study on the 1930-1940 Era of Chinese Drama by Comparative Perspective

  7. 陈大悲对中国话剧发展的贡献

    CHEN Da-bei 's Contribution to the Development of Chinese Drama

  8. 话剧百年:从中国话剧到世界华语话剧

    A Centenary History of Chinese Spoken Drama in China and the World

  9. 第二单元:《大时代:中国话剧的挑战与机遇?》。

    Panel Discussion : A big time for Chinese Theatre ?

  10. 吴祖光的话剧是中国话剧民族化过程中的成功探索。

    It is the successful probe of the nationalization of China drama .

  11. 融汇贯通:话剧与戏曲的艺术整合&论新时期中国话剧的发展趋势

    On the Trend of the Ch in ese New Period Spoken Drama

  12. 今年,正值中国话剧百年。

    2007 , on the occasion of a hundred years of chinese drama .

  13. 老舍剧作的精品意识与中国话剧事业的振兴

    The Quality-oriented Spirit in Lao She 's Works and the Retrieval of Chinese Drama

  14. 中国话剧民营戏剧的发展?

    Panel Discussion : China Drama-Starving or Thriving ?

  15. 论中国话剧与民族戏曲传统

    Chinese Drama and the Tradition of National Operas

  16. 20世纪30年代,精神分析学与中国话剧艺术发生了广泛而深入的联系,直接影响并加速了中国话剧的成熟。

    In 1930s , the extensive relation is constructed between Psychoanalysis and Chinese modern drama .

  17. 基督教传播与中国话剧的文化关系探析(1907-1945)

    Research about the Culture Interaction between Christianity Communication and Chinese Modern Drama ( 1907-1945 )

  18. 中国话剧的黄金时代

    Golden Period of the Chinese Stage Play

  19. 当代中国话剧及其文学的回顾与前瞻

    Retrospection and Prospects of Contemporary Chinese Drama

  20. 一百年间,中国话剧从无到有,从浅到深,从稚嫩走向成熟。

    One hundred years , from Chinese drama , from shallow to deep , from naivety maturity .

  21. 论中国话剧现代性的生成机制&以演剧职业化运动为支点的考察

    On the Formation of Modernity of Chinese Drama & In the Perspective of the Professional Performance Movement

  22. 中国话剧艺术经过高行健的探索已很难再简单地称为话剧。

    After the efforts of Gao Xingjian , it is very hard to call Chinese drama language art .

  23. 中国话剧初期创作笼罩着一种浓厚的悲剧意识。

    The creation of Chinese modern drama in the beginning period was shrouded in a strong tragedy consciousness .

  24. 中国话剧的拓荒者

    Chinese Drama of Pioneer

  25. 随着中国话剧的不断发展,音乐已成为这门艺术中不可缺少的一个重要组成部分。

    With the continuous development of Chinese drama , music art has become an indispensable and important part in the dramatic Arts .

  26. 在美学原则、结构技巧、人物形象、语言形式等方面对中国话剧起到启蒙作用。

    In the aesthetic principles , structure , skills , characters , language , form and other aspects of Chinese drama played enlightenment .

  27. 《茶馆》这一话剧不论是在语言特色上还是在其取得的艺术成就上,都是中国话剧史的里程碑。

    Teahouse is a milestone in the history of Chinese spoken drama , both in its language characteristics and its great artistic achievements .

  28. 其前期话剧标志着中国话剧发展的成熟,这在中国话剧史上具有里程碑意义。

    His drama in early period marks the maturity of Chinese drama , which is a milestone in the history of Chinese drama .

  29. 另一方面,作为一种从异域引进的新形式,中国话剧又一使命便是民族化。

    On the other hand , as a new performing art introduced from different region , nationalization is another mission of Chinese drama performance .

  30. 探索剧在叙事模式上的创新改变了中国话剧的表现形态,使当代剧坛增添了许多活力,在中国话剧史上留下了精彩的一笔。

    The explorative dramas transformed their narrative pattern , which changed the visage of the Chinese drama , and added much vigor to it .