
  • 网络classic forms
  1. 论古典曲式的形成、发展与演化规律

    On Formation , Development and Evolution Law of Classical Musical Form

  2. 勃拉姆斯用他那个时代的和声和器乐资源重新诠释了古典音乐曲式。

    Brahms in his that era of harmony and instrumental music resources reinterpreted classical music melody .

  3. 古典奏鸣曲式的形成时间是在1770年代;

    The rise of classical sonata form is estimated at 1770 's.

  4. 古典奏鸣曲式和协奏曲曲式之间存在相互影响的交互期;

    There exists a period of mutual influence between classical sonata form and concerto form .

  5. 论古典奏鸣曲式的形成

    The Development of Sonata Form On the Beginnings of the Classical Sonata Form On form

  6. 古典奏鸣曲式的直接来源并非仅是古奏鸣曲式,而且还有前奏鸣曲式;

    Classical sonata form has its root not only in binary sonata form , but in pre-sonata form as well .

  7. 古典奏鸣曲式的整体结构形态包含了和声、曲式、节奏与织体四大要素。

    The whole structure form of the classic sonata type consists of four factors , chord , melody , rhythm and collectivity .

  8. 本文是一篇关于古典奏鸣曲式形成的论文,所研究的时间跨度约在1700&1780年间。全文共分上、下两篇。

    This paper on the beginnings of the classical sonata form covers a period from 1700 to 1780 . It comprises two parts .

  9. 前奏鸣曲式主要是交响曲中古典奏鸣曲式的前身,而古奏鸣曲式主要是独奏奏鸣曲中古典奏鸣曲式的前身;

    Pre - sonata form is mainly the predecessor of classical sonata form in symphonies while baroque sonata form that of solo sonatas .

  10. 他将浪漫主义的志趣融入到了古典主义的曲式框架之中,用明确的音乐语言向世人讲述了一个又个优美动人的故事。

    He romantic inclination into the classical framework of the musical form , with a clear story of a musical language to the world they were beautiful and moving story .

  11. 本文着重围绕这四大要素结构形态的形成作简要概括,以期获得对古典奏鸣曲式历时性概况的了解。

    The article will do generalize through the forming of the structure form of the four factors , looking forward to comprehend simply to the period of the classic sonata type .

  12. 上篇探讨了古典奏鸣曲式的雏形二段式与三段式是如何具有了古典奏鸣曲式的调性布局和结构规划,并主要以咏叹调和独奏协奏曲为主探讨了18世纪奏鸣风格的发展。

    Part one discusses the evolution of the tonal and structure plan of the classical sonata form from the early binary and ternary forms , and the development of the 18 ~ ( th ) - century sonata style in arias and solo concertos .

  13. 奏鸣曲式的结构和古典风格的结合是古典奏鸣曲式形成的标准;

    Synthesis of structure of sonata form and classical style is characteristic of classical sonata form .