
  • 网络ancient education
  1. 中国的古代教育思想闻名全球。

    China is famous for her brilliant ancient education thoughts .

  2. 试析回族的古代教育

    A Tentative Study of Ancient Education in Hui Nationality

  3. 江苏古代教育史概述

    A General Introduction to Ancient History of Education in Jiangsu

  4. 重礼是礼仪之邦的重要传统美德,礼仪教育在中华民族古代教育中占有突出的重要的位置。

    Propriety education is always emphasized in ancient Chinese education .

  5. 我们教育制度效法没有书籍的古代教育。

    Our educational system were fashioned after its bookless past .

  6. 中国古代教育传播媒介与传播技术述论

    Comments on Ancient China 's Education Diffusion Media and Technology

  7. 从古代教育看中华文明的传承

    Viewing the Development of Chinese Civilization through the Education in the Times

  8. 家庭教育一直是中国古代教育的基础与核心。

    Family education was the basis and core of education in ancient China .

  9. 古代教育在步入近代社会时所暴露的主要弊端及其改造

    The Disadvantages of Modern Education Inherited From the Transformation Process of Ancient Times

  10. 中国古代教育有着悠久的历史,产生了许多伟大的教育家。

    Chinese ancient education had a long history and brought about many great thinkers .

  11. 浅析我国古代教育管理思潮及其影响

    A Brief Analysis on the Educational Administration Thoughts in Ancient Time and Its Influences

  12. 论我国古代教育思想的基本特征及其近代发展趋势

    Chinese classic educational thoughts and the contemporary development

  13. 摘要中国古代教育智慧源远流长,博大精深。

    The educational wisdom of ancient China which has a long history is profound .

  14. 它是中国古代教育文化与政治统治的标志。

    It is the symbol of Chinese ancient educational idea and the political supremacy .

  15. 古代教育格言兴盛于中国,近代教育格言成熟于欧洲,现代教育格言则引领于美国。

    Ancient education aphorism was prosperous in China . Modern education aphorism was mature in Europe .

  16. 为弄清中国古代教育思想发展的渊源与承继关系,不研究《尚书》是不行的。

    The study of ShangShu provides the sources and heritage necessary for understanding ancient Chinese educational thought .

  17. 作为中国古代教育的一个重要形式,它具有独特的大学特征和大学精神。

    As a key education institution , The ancient academy had the unique university characteristics and spirit .

  18. 在中国古代教育史上,书院教学持续近千年之久。

    In the educational history of ancient China , the academic teaching lasted for nearly a thousand years .

  19. 除此之外,我国古代教育理论也非常注重反思在学习中的作用。

    In addition , educational theory in ancient China also attaches great importance to the role of reflection in learning .

  20. 中国古代教育以思想道德教育为主,积累了丰富的思想和宝贵的经验。

    Chinese ancient education laid much emphasis on ideological and moral education , hence accumulating rich thinking and valuable experience .

  21. 因材施教是教育学中的一个重要命题,是贯穿我国古代教育的一条重要教学原则。

    Individualized Instruction is an important proposition of pedagogy and it runs through the whole Chinese teaching in ancient China .

  22. 诵读是我国传统的教学方法,它伴随古代教育诞生,可谓源远流长。

    Reading is a traditional teaching method with a long history , which accompanies with the birth of ancient education .

  23. 古代教育以传统的寺庙教育为主,是缅甸教育的基础。

    The ancient education is a kind of traditional temple education , it was the base of education of Myanmar .

  24. 法制教育不能如其所是地担当道德教育的职责。我们教育制度效法没有书籍的古代教育。

    Legal education can not bear moral education 's responsibility certainly . Our educational system were fashioned after its bookless past .

  25. 书院是我国封建社会特有的教育组织形式,它在中国历史上延续了千余年,为我国古代教育的发展和学术的繁荣做出了巨大的贡献。

    The education at Chinese ancient academies lasted for thousands of years and did great contributions to the educational and academic development .

  26. 延续了1300年的科举制度,更是从实际上保持了中国古代教育这种本质上的大语文特性。

    The imperial examination , which lasted for 1300 years , preserved the characteristic of the education of ancient China & general Chinese .

  27. 这些思想丰富了我国古代教育思想的内容,对我国目前教育事业的发展仍具有重要的借鉴意义。

    These thoughts had abandoned the ancient education thoughts , which have profound significance on the development of the modern education at present .

  28. 中国古代教育曾有过辉煌的历史,但在步入近代社会时却暴露了一些弊端。

    In China , ancient education had the glorious times , but it had its disadvantages when the education enters the modern society .

  29. 中国古代教育体系始终以儒学教育为主流,职业教育一直受到轻视。

    Confucianism education is the mainstream of ancient educational system in China all the time , and vocational education is neglected all long .

  30. 该文通过对孔子乐教的美育实践进行研究,阐述古代教育实践和教育思想两方面作为审美教育之于今天的意义。

    By studying aesthetic practice of Confucian musical education , the paper expounds contemporary significance of ancient educational thought and practice as aesthetic education .