
  • 网络global economic prospects;World Economic Outlook;GEP;Prospects for the Global Economy;WEO
  1. 《全球经济展望》建议应增加贫困移民及其家庭使用正规金融服务渠道来汇出和领取汇款。

    GEP recommends increasing access by poor migrants and their families to formal financial services for sending and receiving remittances .

  2. 但是汇款服务机构的收费往往高达小额汇款的10-15%,而贫困移民的汇款往往是小额汇款。《全球经济展望》敦促采取措施降低汇款收费标准,因为汇款收费标准往往远高于实际交易成本。

    GEP urges action to reduce these fees , which are often much higher than the actual cost of carrying out the transactions .

  3. 正如最新一期《全球经济展望》(worldeconomicoutlook)在一个重要章节里所指出的,金融危机之后出现的经济衰退异常严重。

    As the latest world economic outlook notes in an important chapter , recessions that follow financial crises are unusually severe .

  4. 世界银行(worldbank)在其1月份的《全球经济展望》(globaleconomicprospects)中指出,“对发展中国家而言,目前的形势还不如2008年”。

    In its January global economic prospects , the world bank noted that " conditions today are less propitious for developing countries than in 2008 " .

  5. 在半年发布一次的《全球经济展望》(GlobalEconomicProspects)中,世界银行预计今年全球经济将增长3%,而2016年则会增长3.3%。

    In its twice-yearly Global Economic Prospects , the World Bank forecasts the world economy will expand by 3 per cent this year and by 3.3 per cent in 2016 .

  6. 上周,在其备受重视、一年两次的全球经济展望中,国际货币基金组织(IMF)大幅下调了经济预期。该组织表示,发达经济体明年可能会出现二战以来的首次萎缩。

    Last week the International Monetary Fund slashed its economic forecast within a month of its considered twice-yearly world outlook and said advanced economies were likely to contract in 2009 for the first time since the second world war .

  7. 2006年全球经济展望:维持增长然幅度较缓慢

    Year 2006 Global Economy Forecast : Maintenaning Growing However the Scope Slows

  8. 世界银行周二发布的最新《全球经济展望》做出了上述预测。

    The projection was made in the World Bank 's latest Global Economic Prospects released on Tuesday .

  9. 《2008年全球经济展望》的专题是发展中国家的技术扩散(参见相关新闻稿)。

    The special theme of GEP2008 is technology diffusion in developing countries ( see related news release ) .

  10. 上述对俄罗斯经济的展望是基于近期世界银行《全球经济展望报告》所给出的全球情境作出的。

    The Russian outlook discussed above is based on this global scenario presented recently in the Global Economic Prospects of the World Bank .

  11. 由于美国经济发展速度缓慢,日本经济努力复苏,他们讨论的一个话题可能是全球经济展望。

    One subject they likely discussed was the outlook for the global economy because of the US slowdown and Japan 's struggling recovery .

  12. 《全球经济展望》指出,港口、海关及其他与贸易有关的基础设施的改善可以逐渐使全球贸易提高约3800亿美元。

    The GEP notes that improvement in ports , customs , and other trade-related infrastructure could raise global trade by some $ 380 billion over time .

  13. 昨日发布的年度全球经济展望报告,可谓近期罕见之物,因为最近很少有哪项研究对全球化的前景如此乐观。

    The world bank 's annual global economic prospects report , released today , is a rare thing these days : a study glowing with optimism about the future for globalisation .

  14. 《全球经济展望》指出,发展中国家,尤其是充满活力的中等收入国家可以把符合他们自身利益的措施摆到桌面上,为达成良好的“多哈协定”做出贡献。

    The GEP notes that developing countries , especially dynamic middle income countries , could contribute to a good " Doha deal " by putting on the table measures in their own interests .

  15. 不过,该行在对全球经济的展望中却持一种较悲观的论调。

    But the Bank struck a downbeat tone on the prospects for the world economy .

  16. 伴随《全球发展金融》报告发表的新的全球经济展望网页包含详细的预测,其中为有发展地区和国家作出的预测。

    The updated Prospects for the Global Economy website [ link ] that accompanies the GDF report contains detailed projections , including for developing regions and countries .