
  1. 对神木县全民免费医疗的几点质疑

    Some Challenges to the Free Medical Care System of Shenmu Country

  2. 参保人对“全民免费医疗”的满意率为95.28%。

    The satisfaction rate among insured people was95.28 % .

  3. “全民免费医疗”总体运行绩效良好,但应理性认识该制度的可持续性和可推广性。

    While the whole system operated well , but it needs rational to know the system 's sustainability and replicability .

  4. 目的:测量神木县“全民免费医疗”满意度并分析其影响因素。

    Objectives : The study is to measure the satisfaction of Shenmu " Free health care for all residents " and its influencing factors .

  5. 方法:通过构建神木县“全民免费医疗”指标体系,对其运行机制进行描述性评价。

    Method : To evaluate the operating mechanism of " Free health care for all residents " in Shenmu County by building the index system .

  6. 目的:分析神木县卫生资源现状,对比“全民免费医疗”实施前后卫生资源配置变化状况。

    Objectives : To analyze the status of changes of health resources and relevant indicators before and after the set of " Free Health Care for Residents " at Shenmu County .

  7. Tangcharoensathien认为护士可发挥关键性的作用,训练病人和家庭成员使用全民保险制度免费提供的设备。

    Tangcharoensathien believes nurses can play a crucial role in training patients and family members to use equipment that is provided free of charge under universal coverage .

  8. 因为福利国家开始提供养老金、全民教育、免费保健以及失业津贴,对慈善团体的需求也就减少了。

    As the welfare state started to provide old-age pensions , universal education , free healthcare and unemployment benefits , there was less need for charity .

  9. 全民医保模式下免费提供部分基本医疗服务可行性分析:以珠海市为例

    The feasibility analysis on free provision of some basic medical services under universal health insurance scheme in Zhuhai City

  10. 然而,德国有世界最早的全民医疗体系,所以,德国人全民都享有免费的健康医疗和教育。

    However , Germany has the world 's oldest universal health care system , so in return , people receive free health care and education on all levels .