
  • 网络National Congress;the National Convention;National People's Congress
  1. 俱乐部派汤姆参加全国代表大会。

    The club delegated Tom to attend the national convention .

  2. 他们从星期二开始在查塔努加举行全国代表大会。

    They hold a national convention in Charlotte North Carolina beginning Tuesday .

  3. 他决定在民主党全国代表大会上发言。

    He 's determined to speak at the Democratic Convention

  4. 中国妇女第十次全国代表大会今天在北京隆重召开。

    Chinese woman tenth the National People Congress convenes grandly today in Beijing .

  5. 麦金妮,53岁,在伊利诺斯州芝加哥(Chicago,Illinois)举行的全国代表大会上击败了三名对手,赢得绿党提名。

    McKinney , 53 , held off three rivals to win the party 's nomination during its convention in Chicago , Illinois .

  6. 昨日,热带风暴isaac让共和党全国代表大会举办地坦帕暴雨如注,并向墨西哥湾进发。

    The tropical storm Isaac drenched Tampa , site of the Convention , yesterday and headed into the Gulf of Mexico .

  7. 赫芬顿告诉我们,在今年夏天美国两党的全国代表大会期间,她的《赫芬顿邮报》(huffingtonpost)的员工们是如何通过瑜伽和按摩减压,并因此重获智慧和快乐的。

    MS Huffington tells us how , during the national conventions this summer , her Huffington Post Staff dealt with stress by doing yoga and having massages , and thus reconnected with their wisdom and joy .

  8. 该团体据信与俄罗斯军事情报机构总参谋部情报总局(GRU)有关,后者被怀疑卷入了近期发生的民主党全国代表大会邮件和文件失窃案。

    That group is believed to be associated with GRU , Russia 's military intelligence agency suspected of involvement in the recent theft of emails and documents from the Democratic National Committee .

  9. 党的全国代表大会每五年举行一次。

    The National party congress shall be held every five years .

  10. 在两党全国代表大会前,奥巴马在许多民调中都保持领先。

    Most polls had Obama ahead prior to both party conventions .

  11. 民主党全国代表大会定于7月25日到28日在费城举行。

    The Democratic National Convention takes place July 25-28 in Philadelphia .

  12. 在中国包装技术协会第四次全国代表大会开幕式上的讲话

    The Speech on the Fourth Membership Meeting of China Packaging Technology Association

  13. 今天开第八次全国代表大会的预备会议。

    Today we begin the preparatory meeting for the Eighth National Congress .

  14. 民主党全国代表大会6月时宣布,它的系统被黑客入侵。

    The DNC announced in June that its systems had been hacked .

  15. 她希望能够计入这两州的选票并允许其大会代表入席全国代表大会。

    She hopes to have their votes counted and their convention delegates seated .

  16. 共和党在那之后的一个星期在明尼苏达州的明尼阿波利斯/圣保罗举行共和党全国代表大会。

    The Republicans hold theirs the following week in Minneapolis-St. Paul , Minnesota .

  17. 为胜利召开党的第八次全国代表大会而斗争

    Strive for the successful convocation of the Eighth National Congress of the party

  18. 这是英语教师的全国代表大会。

    It 's a national convention of English teachers .

  19. 上周,共和党召开了全国代表大会。

    The Republicans held their national convention last week .

  20. 共和党全国代表大会在休斯顿举行。

    The Republican national convention was held in Houston .

  21. 〔8〕中国妇女第一次全国代表大会,是一九四九年三月在北平召开的。

    The First National Women 's Congress was held in March 1949 in Peiping .

  22. 周一晚上,2020年美国民主党全国代表大会在威斯康星州密尔沃基市拉开帷幕。

    The 2020 U.S. Democratic National Convention on Monday night in Milwaukee , Wisconsin .

  23. 我们刚刚召开了党的第十二次全国代表大会。

    We have just held the Twelfth National Congress of the Communist Party of china .

  24. 贝拉克·奥巴马批评共和党人在全国代表大会上的发言内容。

    Barack Obama criticizing the content of the speeches delivered by Republicans at their convention .

  25. 两党全国代表大会召开之后进行的民调显示,双方或者不相上下,或者奥巴马略微领先。

    Post-convention polls show the race either even , or Obama with a slight lead .

  26. 苏丹社会主义联盟全国代表大会

    National Congress of the Sudanese Socialist Unio

  27. 此次美国共和党全国代表大会华丽开场,用共同建设家园的主题给了总统奥巴马一个响亮的耳光。

    The Republican National Convention opened by smacking President Obama with the theme We Built it .

  28. 共和党代表们正在湖滨城市克利夫兰汇集,出席共和党全国代表大会。

    Republican delegates are converging on the lakeside city of Cleveland for the Republican National Convention .

  29. 民主党将于8月最后一个星期在科罗拉多州的丹佛市举行全国代表大会。

    The Democrats hold their convention in Denver , Colorado , the last week of August .

  30. 在明尼苏达州圣保罗举行共和党全国代表大会开始之际,古斯塔夫飓风把一切事情搞得一塌糊涂。

    Gustav also wrought havoc at the start of the Republican convention in St Paul , Minnesota .