
quán jiā tuán jù
  • The Family Reunion;get together
  1. 为准备在我父母亲银婚纪念日那天全家团聚,我们已发出邀请。

    We have sent out invitations to set the stage for a family reunion on my parents'silver wedding day .

  2. 春节是中国传统节庆中最重要的节日,是中国百姓全家团聚的最佳时机,这不仅象征着全家的团结,同时也是百姓对未来寄托新希望的佳节。

    The Spring Festival is the most important festival in Chinese traditional festivals , and is the best time for Chinese people family reunion . This is not only symbolic of family unity , but also the festival that people can have new hope for the future sustenance .

  3. 中秋节我们通常全家团聚。

    We usually have a family get-together for the Mid-autumn Festival .

  4. 我们很高兴全家团聚。

    We were so happy to be a family again .

  5. 在圣诞节这一天我们通常都是全家团聚的。

    Our family is usually together on Christmas day .

  6. 我恳求你们给我唯一一个全家团聚的机会

    I 'm asking you to give me my only chance at a real family .

  7. 上天被他的举动感动并让雷峰塔倒掉,从而使其全家团聚。

    God was moved by his action and made the pagoda collapse , which enabled the family to reunite .

  8. .7月4日是美国的生日,通常都有仪仗队,烟花和全家团聚来庆祝。

    New Citizens Look Forward to July 4th Celebration The Fourth of July is America 's birthday , celebrated with parades , fireworks and family get-togethers .

  9. 我们全家圣诞节团聚时着实尽情欢乐了一番。

    My family really let rip when we all came together for Christmas .

  10. 我们全家圣诞节团聚时着实喜欢尽兴地乐他一番。

    My family really like to let rip when they all come together for Christmas .

  11. 全家成员每年团聚一次。

    All the members of the family get together once a year .

  12. 全家在一起团聚时,很少谈论政治。

    When the family are together it is rare that they talk about politics .