
  • 网络phone information;phone info
  1. 基于手机信息的居民出行调查

    Investigation of Residents ' Trip in View of Mobile Phone Information

  2. 他利用安装在无人机上的技术获取下面行人的手机信息。

    He 's using technology installed on a drone to grab cell phone information from people below .

  3. 注意:这些过程将清除你手机信息并且在开始之前没有选项备份你的当前ROM。所以大家根据自己的需要慎重。

    Note : This process will wipe your device and there is currently no option to backup your device ROM before you start .

  4. AlphaCare的董事长乔尔·兰多(JoelLandau)拒绝确认是否清除了欧文的手机信息。

    Joel Landau , AlphaCare 's chairman , declined to confirm whether Mr. Irvin 's phone had been erased .

  5. 美国工作权利学会(NationalWorkrightsInstitute)创始人刘易斯·莫尔特比(LewisMaltby)表示,如果从数据保护角度来说有清除手机信息的必要性,那么雇主应该提前告知员工,好让员工备份个人信息。

    If erasing a phone is necessary from a data-protection standpoint , employers should give workers advance notice so they can back up personal information , said Lewis Maltby , founder of the National Workrights Institute , a nonprofit group that monitors workplace issues , including privacy .

  6. 阿米尔的竞争对手,勒耶出版社(LejenPress)推出过迄今最畅销的书籍之一——《穿查克·泰勒的阿维克》(AwekChuckTaylor)。它结合了街头俗语和手机信息语言,卖出了四万册,成为独立出版界的超级巨星。

    A rival publisher , Lejen Press , has had one of the biggest hits so far , a novel called " Awek Chuck Taylor . " Written in a combination of street slang and text messages , it has sold about 40000 copies , making it a superstar of independent publishing here .

  7. 消息也通过口耳或手机信息的方式传播。

    News also travels by word of mouth or through mobile phones .

  8. 智能手机信息安全防范系统设计与研究

    Design and Research on The Information Prevention and Safety System of Smartphone

  9. 法国城市旅客手机信息服务系统

    Traveler Information Service Based on Mobile Terminals in France

  10. 运用移动互联网开辟农家书屋手机信息服务

    Mobile Information Service Provided by " Farm Book House " by Using Mobile Internet

  11. 您也可以将手机信息保存在“草稿”文件夹中供以后使用。

    You can also save mobile messages in the Drafts folder for later use .

  12. 手机信息具有电子性、精确性、动态性和可储存性等特点。

    The information in mobile phones is electronic , accurate , dynamic and storable .

  13. 一个帐户可以登录,发送和接收个人电脑和手机信息同步。

    One account can login , sending and receiving messages in PC and mobile simultaneously .

  14. “我查看了你的手机信息,”妻子平静地承认。

    " I checked the messages in your mobile phone ," admitted the wife calmly .

  15. 手机信息服务与旅游结合产生了手机旅游信息服务。

    Cell phone travel information service is the combination of cell phone information services with travel .

  16. 但是并不只是中东国家企图对黑莓手机信息进行进一步监管。

    But Middle Eastern countries are not the only ones seeking greater access to BlackBerry information .

  17. 整件事与记者窃听市民手机信息的丑闻相关。

    It 's all to do with the scandal over journalists secretly listening to people 's phone messages .

  18. 他们说,另外几百人曾经联系他们,怀疑他们的手机信息被人窃听过。

    They say hundreds more people have contacted them , suspecting that their phone messages have been accessed .

  19. 手机信息查询技术在防汛决策系统中的应用简介

    Application of Data Inquiry and Dissemination By Mobile Phone Short Messages in Flood - control Decision - making Systems

  20. 手机信息的侦查应用可以通过检查手机机身、话单分析、技术控制等多种方法实施。

    The criminal investigation methods of information in mobile phones include examining the mobile phones , analyzing the phone bills and technique controlling .

  21. 因此,手机信息传播中的法律问题,应当从私法和公法两个维度进行研究。

    Therefore , the legal issues involving the mobile communications must be approached through two dimensions : the private law and the public law .

  22. 论文正是基于这种考虑探索研究手机信息对部队教育管理的影响及对策。

    Based on this kind of consideration , the paper studies the influence and countermeasure of SMS to the education administration of the armed forces .

  23. 在“登录信息”下的“密码”框中,键入手机信息服务提供商提供的密码或您创建的密码。

    Under logon information , in the password box , type the password that was provided by your mobile service provider or the password that you created .

  24. 对手机信息传播的了解都只是微观层面上的,手机信息的使用者不能宏观量上理解信息的传播情况。为了建立手机信息传播的模型,采用的是复杂系统的建模工具&元胞自动机。

    In order to understand the transmission of short messages of mobile phones from quantity , cellular automata , the tool used for complex system is adopted .

  25. 如果在发送手机信息时输入部分姓名,自动解析功能将搜索与您的输入项匹配的联系人,并补全这些姓名。

    If you enter partial names when sending a mobile message , the autoresolve feature will search for the contacts that match your entry and complete them .

  26. 然后,提出了面向手机信息的垂直搜索引擎的系统结构,并介绍了每个模块的功能、知识背景和具体实现。

    The thesis proposes the system architecture of the vertical search engine which faces mobile information , and describes the function of each module , knowledge background and specific respectively .

  27. 迈尔斯说,北韩老百姓或许能从广播,手机信息或者与中国的商业接触中,获悉自己领导人的健康状况。

    He says average North Koreans are probably aware of their leader 's health situation , via broadcast and cell phone technology , as well as robust business contact with China .

  28. 自2000年以来,移动电话在农村地区的拥有量持续保持高增长态势,农民对手机信息传播认可率也不断上升。

    Since 2000 , the amount of mobile phones owned by farmers has taken an increasing trend . The information spreading way by mobile phones has become more and more popular .

  29. 但不管手机信息给我们带来多少问题,我们都必须面对和解决,因为我们无法离开手机信息而生存。部队也不例外。

    Because we cannot survive without the handset message , no matter how many questions SMS has brought to us , we must face and try to solve , the army included .

  30. 如今,越来越多的中国人喜欢用手机收发信息。

    These days , more and more Chinese people enjoy sending and receiving messages on the phone .