
  • 网络Postoperative hemorrhage;PPH
  1. 扁桃体切除手术后出血

    Postoperative hemorrhage in tonsillectomy

  2. 目的:探讨大剂量氨甲苯酸(PAMBA)对减少成人心脏手术后出血的作用。

    Objective : To evaluate the effects of high dose PAMBA on open heart surgery .

  3. 妇科腹腔镜手术后出血7例分析

    Analysis of seven cases of hemorrhage after gynecological laparoscopic operations

  4. 立止血预防和治疗心胸外科手术后出血的效果

    Effect of Reptilase in Preventing and Treating Bleeding After Cardiothoracic Op - eration

  5. 腹腔手术后出血12例分析

    Analysis of 12 cases with abdominal postoperative bleeding

  6. 自发或轻伤、小手术后出血是本病的特点。

    The haemorrhage after initiative or flesh wound , small operation is this ill characteristic .

  7. 本组有4例γ-刀放射手术后出血,9例放射性脑水肿症状明显。

    Cases had recurrent hemorrhage after Gamma knife radiosurgery and 9 cases complicated apparent irradiated brain edema .

  8. 目的:总结17例心内直视手术后出血二次开胸止血病人的出血原因及处理得失。

    Aim : To review the bleeding cause and reoperation experience in 17 patients with excessive postoperative bleeding after open - heart surgery .

  9. 方法:对12例腹腔手术后出血的患者进行总结,包括手术方式、临床表现、出血诊断和救治方法等。

    Methods : Twenty patients with bleeding after abdominal operation were analysed , including operative methods , clinical symptoms , diagnosis of bleeding and therapeutic methods .

  10. 目的探讨小剂量抑肽酶对体外循环(CPB)下心脏手术术后出血的影响。

    Objective : To study the effect of low dose aprotinin on postoperative blood loss of cardiosurgery after cardiopulmonary bypass ( CPB ) .

  11. 心内直视手术后颅内出血(附7例报告)

    Intracranial Hemorrhage Following Open-Heart Surgery ( Report of 7 Cases )

  12. 高血压脑出血早期手术后再出血的危险因素

    Clinical Analysis on Risk Factors of Recurrent Hemorrhage after Operation in the Earlier Period of Cerebral Hemorrhage

  13. 目的研究防止十二指肠后壁穿透溃疡大出血急诊手术后再出血。

    Objective To avoid that blood flows out of the duodenal back ulcer again after emergent operation .

  14. 方法:85例病人手术后或出血后1~3天进行血液透析,每次透析开始时从动脉端给予单一剂量的低分子肝素抗凝。

    Methods An intravenous injections of LMWH was made in 85 patients with active bleeding prior to administration of hemodialysis .

  15. 慢性胰腺炎手术后发生出血2例(7.7%),肿瘤手术后发生出血17例(9%)。

    Two cases with hemorrhage ( 7.7 % ) occurred after pancreatectomy for chronic pancreatitis and 17 cases with episodes of bleeding ( 9 % ) were encountered after pancreatectomy for tumor .

  16. 结果实验组手术后创面出血,需输血的例数与对照组相比,经χ2检验,有差异。

    The blood loss of operative wound drain was recorded . RESULTS The blood loss of operative wound and the blood transfusion were compared between the two groups . By χ ~ 2 text , there was obvious difference between the experimental group and the contrast group .

  17. 腮腺手术后继发性出血12例分析

    12 cases analyses of postoperative secondary hemorrhage of parotid gland

  18. 手术后胃肠道出血16例诊治体会

    Experience of Diagnosis and Treatment of Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage after Operation

  19. 腹部手术后腹腔内出血的原因和治疗对策

    The Causes and Treatment of Intraabdominal Hemorrhage in Abdominal Postoperation

  20. 1例以脑出血急性起病,并在手术治疗后再次出血。

    One case showed acute intracerebral hemorrhage at onset and rebleeding after operation .

  21. 心内直视手术后腹腔内出血的观察与护理

    Nursing care of abdominal haemorrhage following cardiac surgery

  22. 胸部手术后胸腔大出血的再手术治疗

    Re-operation of Massive Hemorrhage After Thoracic Operation

  23. 目的:总结腹部手术后腹腔内出血的诊断和治疗经验。

    Objective : To summarize the experiences in diagnosis and treatment of abdominal postoperative intra-abdominal bleeding .

  24. 结论:剖宫产手术后晚期产后出血的主要原因是子宫切口感染、裂开愈合不良,出血时间不仅仅局限在产褥期内。

    Conclusion : Late postpartum hemorrhage after cesarean section may occur beyond puerperium and the main causes arc infection and ulcer of incision .

  25. 它也提供了更少的外科手术后疼痛和出血,以及与其他手术相比更少的手术危险性。

    There is also less post-surgical pain and bleeding with the procedure , and less surgical risk , than with other surgical interventions .

  26. 结论CPB期间应用PAMBA不仅能抑制纤溶系统亢进并间接保护血小板功能,从而有效地减少CPB心脏手术后非外科性出血,而且无明显干扰凝血功能监测的副作用。

    Conclusion : The intravenous PAMBA may reduce the postoperative nonsurgical bleeding of patients undergoing cardiac surgery with CPB , but not influence on the monitoring of blood coagulation .

  27. 心脏直视手术后并发消化道出血的观察及防治体会

    The Observation and Management of Digestive Tract Hemorrhage in Patients after Open-heart Surgery

  28. 质子泵受体阻断剂联合白芨粉治疗颅脑手术后上消化道出血

    Clinical Application of Proton Pump Inhibitors Combined with Bletilla Striata for Craniocerebral Operative Upper Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage

  29. 抑肽酶减少体外循环心脏手术中及术后出血的观察

    Observation on the Effect of Aprotinin on Reduction of Bleeding During and After Cardiac Surgery under Cardiopulmonary Bypass

  30. 目的探讨质子泵受体阻断剂联合白芨粉治疗颅脑手术后上消化道出血的临床疗效,提高对该临床急症的抢救率。

    Objective To investigate the clinical effects of proton pump inhibitors combined with Bletilla Striata for the craniocerebral operative upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage in order to improve the rescue radio of this severe disease .