
shǒu jù
  • hand saw;handsaw;arm saw;hack-file;padsaw
手锯 [shǒu jù]
  • [handsaw] 单手使用的靠臂的前后运动来带动的锯

手锯[shǒu jù]
  1. 油锯采伐与手锯采伐经济效益分析

    Analysis of economic benefits of cutting with oil chain and hand saw

  2. 有细的三角形刃片可以切断曲线的手锯。

    A handsaw with a thin triangular blade for cutting curves .

  3. 他很快学会使用单手锯。

    He learns to use a single-hand see in no time .

  4. 按木头的纹理切割的手锯。

    A handsaw for cutting with the grain of the wood .

  5. 上边缘用金属加固的手锯。

    A handsaw stiffened by metal along upper edge .

  6. 用来切割短的半径曲线的手锯;类似于钢丝锯。

    A handsaw for cutting short radius curves ; similar to a compass saw .

  7. 有拉紧的细刃片的手锯;用来在木头上切小曲线。

    A handsaw with a taut thin blade ; used for cutting small curves in wood .

  8. 组合式多功能手锯,包括锯条、锯弓和手柄;

    A combined type multipurpose handsaw includes a saw blade , a bow and a handle .

  9. 手锯,贱金属制,无论是否固定带有轴锯箱的(不包括机动的)

    Hand-saw of base metal , whether or not permanently combined with a mitre-box ( excl. power-operated )

  10. 手锯或机用锯磨擦圆盘,无齿的(不包括装配有研磨零件的圆盘)

    Disc , friction , toothless , for hand or machine saws ( excl. discs fitted with abrasive parts )

  11. 切割金属需用强劲的锯.手锯或机用锯锯条(包括无齿的)

    You need a powerful saw to cut through metal . blade , for hand or machine saws ( incl. toothless )

  12. GB/T16305-1996扭转振动减振器使用手锯时,不可用力重压或扭转锯条,工件将断时,应轻轻锯割。

    Torsional vibration absorbers Don 't press the handsaw excessively or twist the saw blade . Saw it gently while the work-piece is breaking .

  13. 在制作横切或斜缝接点中用于定向手锯的工具。锯齿形线迹使织物在完成缝纫后可以伸缩。

    A tool for guiding handsaws in making crosscuts or miter joints . The zigzag stitch allows the fabric to stretch after the stitching is completed .

  14. 锯齿的根部〔圆锯〕手锯或机用锯切削盘,无齿的(不包括装配有磨配边或周边镶齿的圆盘)

    Roots of teeth [ circular saw ] disc , cutting , toothless , for hand or machine saws ( excl. discs fitted with abrasive rims or peripheral inserts )

  15. 肯塔基州一位小企业主表示,“我有时候会在修剪树枝的事情上撒点小谎。”他承认自己一拿起手锯就有些没完没了。

    ' I sometimes fib about trimming limbs off the trees in the yard , 'says a small-business owner in Kentucky , who admits he 's been known to go overboard with a handsaw .

  16. 使用手锯时,不可用力重压或扭转锯条,工件将断时,应轻轻锯割。喷丸后扭转疲劳极限提高的主要原因是残余压应力的作用。

    Don 't press the handsaw excessively or twist the saw blade . Saw it gently while the work-piece is breaking . Compressive residual stress are the main factor in the increase of torsion fatigue limit .