
  1. 以出口为导向,采用低价格、低利润策略的中国电动工具生产企业在2008年的世界金融危机中损失惨重,许多企业濒临倒闭边缘。

    In the world financial crisis of 2008 , lots of Chinese electric tool manufacturers suffer a great loss , some of them even bankrupt , for their output-oriented strategy and " low price and low profit " policy .

  2. 基于韩礼德的系统功能语言学理论,分析西屋电气公司的项目建议书&中国电动交通工具企业发展计划这一科技语篇中的情态系统,以考察该系统是否表达了建议书要表达的人际意义。

    Based on Halliday 's systemic functional linguistic theory , this paper mainly analyses the interpersonal meaning and modal expressions of a project proposal entitled Electric Transportation Business Development Plan for China .

  3. 武义是中国旅游休闲产品出口基地、中国文教用品生产基地和中国电动工具制造业基地。

    Wuyi has been successively named as Export Base of Tourism and Leisure Products in China , Production Base of Stationery Goods in China , and Manufacturing Base of Electric Tools in China .