
zuān dònɡ
  • Drill a hole;bore/drill holes
钻洞 [zuān dòng]
  • [bore] 用旋转切具作钻头或锥子钻穿或凿通,含有用力缓慢而连续不断地贯彻下去的意思

  1. 如果他们继续钻洞,地表很有可能下沉。

    If they carry on sinking boreholes then the land is likely to subside .

  2. 我们用螺旋钻在冰上钻洞。

    We make a hole in the ice with an auger .

  3. 鼹鼠会在地下钻洞前进

    A mole burrows its way through the ground .

  4. 长久以来,飞蛾被看作是扑棱着翅膀、在衣服上钻洞的害虫,但现在科学家们说,我们严重地错判了这些不起眼的飞蛾。

    Long seen as fluttering pests that make holes in your clothes , scientists now say we have badly misjudged the humble1 moth2 .

  5. 苏珊不情愿地拿着搅蛋器开始钻洞。

    Susan reluctantly takes the egg beater and begins to drill .

  6. 爸爸说我不能在地板上钻洞。

    Father said I can 't dig holes in the floor .

  7. 然后有一天来了个知道往哪钻洞的人。

    Then one day someone comes along who knows where to lean .

  8. 父亲就是用这尖锐的器具在皮革上钻洞。

    His father used this pointed tool to make holes in leather .

  9. 在潮湿的泥土中钻洞,吃植物的根部。

    Digs in moist soil and feeds on plant roots .

  10. 想钻洞的就钻洞。

    those that want to get into holes can get into holes .

  11. 褐色的小蛾子,其幼虫在棉荚和棉团中钻洞。

    Small brown moth whose larvae bore into flowers and bolls of cotton .

  12. 龙能像古瓦雷利亚的火龙一样在岩石里钻洞?

    Can dragons tunnel through rock , like the firewyrms of old Valyria ?

  13. 在木头上钻洞并发出滴答声,常被人视作死人的先兆。

    Bores through wood making a ticking sound popularly thought to presage death .

  14. 幼虫在苹果上钻洞并吃苹果。

    Larvae bore into and feed on apples .

  15. 我把照片秀给我的牙医看,他也觉得这些钻洞令人惊奇。

    I showed the pictures to my dentist and he thought they were amazing holes .

  16. 大型独居蜜蜂,在木材或植物的茎干中钻洞产卵。

    Large solitary bee that lays eggs in tunnels bored into wood or plant stems .

  17. 丙烯酸,光泽和瓷漆在木制面板上,和一个3厘米深的钻洞。

    Acrylic and gloss and enamel paint on wooden panel with a3 cm drilled hole .

  18. 马铃薯的茎块出现疣肿。马铃薯蛾子的幼虫;在例如马铃薯和烟草的叶子和杆茎上钻洞。

    Larva of potato moth ; mines in leaves and stems of e.g. potatoes and tobacco .

  19. 用它锯一样的壳在岩石、泥土或木头中钻洞的海生双壳类动物。

    Marine bivalve that bores into rock or clay or wood by means of saw-like shells .

  20. 大型舞池夜间活动的蝗虫,在美国太平洋海滨松软的泥土中钻洞。

    Large wingless nocturnal grasshopper that burrows in loose soil along the United States Pacific coast .

  21. 象虫一样的海生双壳类动物,用其象钻一样的壳在木质的桥墩和船只上钻洞。

    Wormlike marine bivalve that bores into wooden piers and ships by means of drill-like shells .

  22. 热带小跳蚤;能繁殖的雌跳蚤在包括人等宿主皮肤下钻洞。

    Small tropical flea ; the fertile female burrows under the skin of the host including humans .

  23. 所以钻洞是非常重要的一点。其次它们还喜欢生活在黑暗的环境中。

    So that is a very important factor , along with they also like to be in the dark .

  24. 他是一家矿业公司的主管,他的工作是在巨石上钻洞以获取矿物标本。

    He worked as a supervisor at a mining company , boring holes in boulders to extract mineral samples .

  25. 他们意图通过电钻在墙上钻洞然后进入电子器材商店,结果却发现进入了眼镜铺。

    It 's thought they bored a holesintosthe wall using a power drill , but ended up breakingsintosan optician 's office .

  26. 在河对岸,他们在冰层上钻洞,将锚放置在冰层中,并将安全带系到锚上,以保证安全。

    On the opposite bank they drilled into the ice , attached an anchor and harnessed themselves to it for safety .

  27. 占卜者首先在龟壳或者一片肩胛骨上钻洞,然后将其置于火上炙烤。

    The divination performer first drilled holes on tortoise shell or a piece of bull scapula , then put it over fire .

  28. 原产于欧洲但定居在美国东部的黑色小叶蜂;幼虫在桦树的叶子上钻洞导致严重的落叶发生。

    Small black sawfly native to Europe but established in eastern United States ; larvae mine the leaves of birches causing serious defoliation .

  29. 东部温暖湿润,四季分明;在潮湿的泥土中钻洞,吃植物的根部。

    The eastern coastal regions of China are warm and humid and have four distinct seasons . digs in moist soil and feeds on plant roots .

  30. 长乐沿海食用双壳贝类及其可持续利用的研究用它锯一样的壳在岩石、泥土或木头中钻洞的海生双壳类动物。

    Study on Edible Lamellibranch in Changle Inshore and Their Sustainable Utilization marine bivalve that bores into rock or clay or wood by means of saw-like shells .