
  1. 液动冲击回转钻井机械钻速的仿真SDDC型液动旋冲接头的设计理论研究

    The Simulation of the Penetration Rate ( ROP ) of the Hydraulic Percussion Drilling DESIGN THEORY STUDY ON SDDC HYDRAULIC ROTARY - PERCUSSION SUB

  2. 该方法从钻压、转盘转速、及水力学方面对钻井机械钻速进行校正,使其影响因素仅与压差和地层有关,从而使NDR能够正确反映地层的可钻性。

    Correting drilling mechanical rate through weight on bit , rotary speed and hydraulic parameters , the NDR ′ s affecting factors are only related to presure difference and formation , so that NDR can properly reflect formation drillability .

  3. 钻井机械零件热喷涂涂层机械加工

    Machining of hot spraying coating on component parts of drilling equipment

  4. 具有模糊可靠性约束的钻井机械参数优化

    Optimization of mechanical parameters in drilling with fuzzy reliability constraints

  5. 钻井机械故障诊断数据挖掘系统结构的研究

    Data mining system for drilling mechanical failure diagnosis based on neural network

  6. 空气冲旋钻井机械钻速仿真算法

    Simulation of the penetration rate ( ROP ) of the air percussion drilling

  7. 石油钻井机械钻速预测研究进展

    The Developments of ROP Prediction for Oil Drilling

  8. 浅谈功能计价在石油钻井机械产品中的应用

    Application of function valuation on oil drilling machine

  9. 钻井机械钻速预测是难题。

    It is difficult to calculate the penetration rate ( ROP ) of percussion drilling .

  10. 本试验结果对石油钻井机械中摩擦副的选材有参考价值。

    The results of the test were useful in selecting the material of friction pairs in a drilling machine .

  11. 热喷涂技术已应用于钻井机械零件表面的修复。

    The hot spraying technique has been used for the renovation of the surface of component parts on drilling equipment .

  12. 我想为南苏丹项目的滤水器和钻井机械下订单

    I 'd like to put an order for the water filters and the welldigging equipment for the South Sudan project .

  13. 本文用随机理论和模糊集理论处理钻井机械参数优化问题中的不确定性因素。

    In this paper , those indeterminate factors are put into the model on the basis of stochastic theory and fuzzy mathematics .

  14. 井架是石油钻井机械的重要组成部分,其安全承载能力对钻井工艺的实现起着举足轻重的作用。

    Derrick is an important structure of petroleum drilling machinery , and its carrying capacity is very important for the implement of drilling process .

  15. 然而,石油产量增长低于消费增长,这给石油钻井机械设备如顶驱等制造了大量的市场机会。

    However , the increase of petroleum production is lower than consumption , so the top drive will get a good deal of market opportunities .

  16. 本实用新型涉及一种药品起吊折叠架,属油田钻井机械配套设备领域。

    The utility model relates to a medicine lifting folding bracket , belonging to the field of the corollary equipment of a drilling machinery in oil field .

  17. 在全球石油资源日益匮乏的背景下,钻井机械速度低,成本高,周期长的问题更加凸显,严重影响了整个油气田的勘探开发速度。

    With the increasing lack of oil resources around the world , the problem of low drilling penetration , high cost and long cycle adversely affect the development of the whole oilfield .

  18. 石油钻井用机械式PDC随钻扩眼工具的研制

    Development of the mechanical PDC reaming tool while drilling used in oil drilling engineering

  19. 聚晶金刚石复合片(PDC)钻头的发展及应用,大大提高了钻井的机械钻速(ROP),减少了钻井时间,降低了钻井成本。

    Advances in polycrystalline diamond compact ( PDC ) bits have sharply increased rate of penetration ( ROP ), reduced drilling time and costs in oil and gas wells .

  20. 钻井工程机械现场维修的新装备&CXZ360×500型多功能微型机床

    A New Equipment for Drilling Machine Service

  21. 因此它一直是石油钻井和机械业密切关注的对象。

    So it has been the target , which is paying close attention of petroleum well-drilling and machinery industry all the time .

  22. 针对海洋石油勘探与开发投资高、风险大的特点,简述了海上作业对海洋石油钻井完井机械及工具的特殊要求。

    The characteristics of offshore exploration and development are commented , and the specific requirements of offshore operation on drilling and completion equipment and tools are described .

  23. 在整个装置的设计过程中,对于钻井和机械方面的知识是一个检验和实践的过程,同时设计的装置理论上具有一定可行性,对于振动固井装置的完善具有一定的补充作用。

    In this process of designation is just a process of testing and practice knowledge of drilling and mechanical designation . The designed device theoretically has a certain feasibility and play the complementary role for the improvement of the vibration cementing device .

  24. 详细介绍了PowerV垂直钻井系统和机械式无线随钻测斜仪的组成、工作原理及其在黑池1井的应用情况。

    Components and mechanism of Power V ( a vertical drilling system ) and mechanical MWD are presented in detail .

  25. 研完了钻井泵的机械效率及理论计算方法,具有一定的通用性。

    Mechanical efficiency and its theoretical calculation method are studied , which are commonly used to a certain degree .

  26. 国民油井华高的业务集中在设计、制造和销售海陆钻井的重要机械部件及整体方案。

    National Oilwell Varco designs , manufactures and sells major mechanical components and integrated systems for both land and offshore drilling rigs .

  27. 气体欠平衡钻井技术具有机械钻速高、对油气层伤害小等优点,近年来在国内油气田勘探开发中得到了广泛的应用。

    Gas underbalanced drilling has advantages of high ROP , little damage to the reservoir etc. In recent years , the technology has been widely applied in oil & gas exploration .

  28. 气体钻井由于其机械钻速快,能有效防止水敏性泥页岩坍塌,杜绝井漏。

    The gas drilling technology is increasingly applied these days due to its high ROP , effective prevention of the cave-in of water-sensitive shales and the capability to eliminate lost circulations .

  29. 空气冲旋钻井冲击力和机械钻速仿真研究

    Simulation of impact force and penetration rate of air hammer bit drilling

  30. 石油钻井中水力辅助机械破岩机理研究

    On Hydraulic Auxiliary Mechanical Rock Breaking Mechanism in Drilling