
  • 网络Car type;Motor Type
  1. 在售的汽车类型很多,从现代豪华运动型到经典款,其中还有一辆1955年的MorganPlus4。

    Vehicles on offer run from modern luxury sports cars to classics , including a 1955 Morgan Plus 4 .

  2. 给出了用模糊技术来识别汽车类型、客车载客量和货车吨位的实用方法。

    A useful method for recognizing automobile types and capacities is presented .

  3. 列举了汽车类型的分类,编制了识别程序。

    Classification of automobile type is enumerated . And recognition program is also provided .

  4. 你能给我看看汽车类型和价钱的单子吗?

    Will you show me the list of type of cars and the cost ?

  5. 模糊模式识别在汽车类型识别中的研究

    Fuzzy Pattern Recognition of Automobile Types

  6. 作为一种汽车类型,电动汽车已经获得充分发展,不再像在本世纪头10年那样显得技术生涩了。

    As a class , these vehicles have fully outgrown whatever technical adolescence made them awkward in the first decade of this century .

  7. 针对智能交通领域汽车类型识别的应用背景,利用单目视觉开发了基于计算机视觉车辆类型识别系统;

    Based on the application of vehicle type recognition in intelligent traffic fields , a vehicle type recognition system based on computer was developed , adopting the technique of monocular vision .

  8. 本文介绍了基于多层前馈神经网络的学习训练方法、运用噪音测量原理和方法判别汽车类型的识别系统,为汽车交通管理和监测统计提供了有力的依据和手段。

    This paper presents a learning and training method based on artificial neural networks and a discrimination system for vehicle type using the noise principle and method , thereby providing a good basis and means for vehicle 's traffic management , monitoring statistics .

  9. 首先简要介绍了几种常见的电动汽车充电机类型,分析它们的不同特点和适用范围,指出电动汽车充电站负荷受到用户充电习惯等几个因素的影响,并且电动汽车充电属于随机性行为。

    It is pointed out that the electric vehicle charging station load is influenced by several factors such as user charging habits and electric vehicle charging belongs to the random behavior .

  10. 汽车多维修类型系统的可用性研究

    Studies on the availability of multi-maintenance type of mobiles

  11. 在所有的汽车碰撞事故类型中,转向机构的碰撞占据了很大的比例。

    Steering system collisions have a large proportion according to the all types of car accidents .

  12. 它也没有说明苹果公司被允许上路测试的三辆汽车采用何种类型的传感器,这三辆汽车全部是2015款雷克萨斯RX450h。

    It also does not say what kind of sensors are found on Apple 's three permitted vehicles , all 2015 Lexus model RX450h .

  13. 随着富有的中年买家揣着大把现金购买少年时代曾梦想拥有的汽车,这些类型的汽车市场近来大幅升温。

    The market for such cars has rocketed of late as wealthy , middle-aged buyers wade in with wads of cash to buy the machines they dreamed of owning as teenagers .

  14. 同理,通过对汽车其它事故类型的相关分析,即可得到不同档次车健康管理的监测对象,并依照健康管理过程对其实施管理,保证汽车安全性。

    Similarly , through the analysis of other accident patterns , we can get different monitor objects of scale vehicle . Therefore , it will be easy for us to manage it on the basis of health management process and , guarantee the automobile safety .

  15. 介绍了汽车搭铁线的类型及几种常见故障,并进行了故障实例分析。

    This paper introduces several types of ground wires and analyses their common faults .

  16. GB/T4659-1984汽车前照灯类型、主要尺寸和连接尺寸

    " Type , main size and mounted dimension of headlamps for motor vehicle "

  17. 很快,汽车工厂和其他类型的工厂将遍开全国各地。

    Very soon , auto plants and other plants will be opening up all over our country .

  18. 相对地地下铁汽车的新不锈钢类型,如此为接近地在门之前仅仅响的铃命名。

    Relatively new stainless-steel type of subway car , so named for the bell that rings just before the doors close .

  19. 本文归纳了目前汽车轴承的常用类型,介绍了新结构、新材料、新工艺在轴承中应用,同时分析了国内外汽车轴承现状。

    New structure , new material and new technology for modern vehicle bearing is introduced and the current situation of domestic and foreign auto bearing is analyzed in this paper .

  20. 在时域内计算了汽车结构在不同类型路谱(地面不平度函数)激励下的位移、加速度和应力响应。

    Vehicle displacement , acceleration and dynamic stress responses to ground spectra are calculated in time domain . The vehicle structure is divided into sprung part ( including frame and body ) and unsprung part .

  21. 此类措施将在加入后2年完全取消,从而保证汽车生产者将有权选择他们生产汽车的类别、类型或车型。

    Such measures would be completely removed two years after accession , thus ensuring that motor vehicle producers would be free to choose the categories , types and models they produced .

  22. 所以混合动力汽车就成为了最适合当前实际情况的新能源汽车类型。

    Therefore , hybrid cars have become the most suitable for the actual situation of the current types of new energy vehicles .

  23. 其次对汽车供应链进行一个基本的分析,包括汽车供应链类型、基本结构及各个节点的地位关系等。

    Secondly , do a basic analysis of the automotive supply chain , including the automotive supply chain types , the basic structure and the status of each node .

  24. 类菱形汽车是湖南大学自主开发的具有完全知识产权的新型汽车,该类型车在安全性与轻量化方面有其独到的优势。

    Quasi-Rhombus Vehicle ( QRV ) is a new fashioned vehicle which was invented by Hunan University and has completely independent intellectual property right .