
qì shuǐ fēn lí qì
  • Steam water separator;catch water;steamwater separator
  1. 介绍了造纸厂的蒸汽冷凝系统一、二、三段烘缸控制策略和汽水分离器的控制方案,讨论了DCS在造纸自动化中的系统构架。

    This paper introduced the controlling of the steam and condensate system in paper mill , illustrated the framework of DCS ( distributecontrol system ), the controlling schems is applied in the DCS .

  2. 600MW超临界锅炉汽水分离器内压应力有限元分析

    Mechanical Stress Analysis of a 600 MW Supercritical Boiler Water Separator Based on the Finite Element Method

  3. 冷却条件下管内超临界压力CO2对流换热研究600MW超临界锅炉汽水分离器内压应力有限元分析

    CONVECTION HEAT TRANSFER OF CO_2 AT SUPERCRITICAL PRESSURES IN TUBE DURING COOLING Mechanical Stress Analysis of a 600 MW Supercritical Boiler Water Separator Based on the Finite Element Method

  4. 600MW超临界机组锅炉汽水分离器启动疏水回收的解决方案

    Solution for the start-up drain water recovery of boiler steam-water separator in 600 MW supercritical power unit of Huaneng Shantou Power Station

  5. 汽水分离器的动态数学模型和仿真研究

    On the Dynamic Mathematical Model of Moisture Separators and Its Simulation

  6. 09Ⅲ机组外置式汽水分离器表面处理的试验研究

    Experimental Research of External Separator Surface Preparing for 09 ⅲ Unit

  7. 高压汽水分离器效能分析

    Analysis of the Benefit of High - pressure Steam-water Separator

  8. 超临界直流锅炉内置式汽水分离器数学模型及仿真

    Mathematical Model and Simulation on Built-in Water Separator for Supercritical Once-through Boilers

  9. 蒸汽发生器一级汽水分离器两相流动数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation for Two-Phase Flow in First-Stage Moisture Separator of Steam Generator

  10. 加装旋风汽水分离器,提高入炉蒸汽品位

    Tornado Steam-Liquid Separator Is Installed to Improve the Steam Quality

  11. 波形板汽水分离器中流场的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Flow Field in Bent Plate Stream-water Separator

  12. 锅炉汽水分离器闭式系统的稳定性研究

    Research on Stability of Boiler Water-Steam Seperator Closed System

  13. 湿蒸汽透平的汽水分离器的试验研究

    An Experimental Study of the Steam Water Separator of a Wet Steam Turbine

  14. 汽水分离器是超临界锅炉中最重要的厚壁部件。

    Steam separator is the most important thick-wall component in the supercritical boiler .

  15. 带钩波形板汽水分离器的试验研究

    Test and Study of the Chevron Steam Separator

  16. 靖边气田汽水分离器腐蚀机理与防护技术研究

    Research on the corrosion mechanism and protection technology of Jingbian gas field steam-water separator

  17. 改进型带钩波形板汽水分离器研究单钩波形板分离器的实验研究

    On the Modified Chevron Steam Separator with Hooks Study of corrugated plates separator with single scoop

  18. 超超临界机组汽水分离器水箱液位测量和流体动压修正

    Measurement for Tank Liguid Level of Water Separator and Modification for Hydrodynamic Kinetic Pressure in Ultra-supercritical Boiler

  19. 水冷壁和汽水分离器组成了锅炉的蒸汽发生系统,是建模的重点和难点。

    The steam generator system composed of water wall and steam-water separator is the key of modeling .

  20. 最后提出了四条提高汽水分离器寿命的有效措施。

    At last we raise four kinds of valid measures to increase the service life of steam separator .

  21. 分析汽水分离器使用周期内的载荷谱,利用非线性多轴连续损伤模型进行整体寿命评估。

    The load spectrum of the steam-water separator is analysed and the service life is evaluaed with the nonlinear multi-axis damage model .

  22. 在重视效益的今天,如何对待高压汽水分离器的关停,也是关系到注汽成本的一个关键问题。

    At benefit-oriented present , one of the key issues related to the cost of steam injection is the on-off of steam-water separators .

  23. 论文探讨了汽水分离器监测点应力集中的计算方法,疲劳计算选用雨流法作为循环应力幅的计数方法。

    This article discussed the theory and calculation method of stress concentration . The rain-flow method is used to count the fatigue cycle .

  24. 本文介绍了用于立式自然循环蒸汽发生器的同心立式波形板汽水分离器的冷、热态试验结果。

    This paper presents the test results of cold and hot state for concentric ver-tical shutter steam separator used in vertical natural circulation steam generators .

  25. 该装置包括汽水分离器、集水箱、配管系统和监测装置等,并从理论研究的角度,建立了一套中温地热井井口装置的设计方法。

    , are designed for the particular well . Meanwhile , a design method of the device is established for the purpose of theoretical study .

  26. 为在稠油热采蒸汽驱阶段提高注汽干度,进而提高稠油开采率,引进了高压汽水分离器。

    During viscous crude oil steam flooding , a high pressure steam water separator is introduced to improve steam quality and then enhance recovery factor .

  27. 蒸汽发生器的设计,除了要选用分离效率高,结构紧凑的汽水分离器和干燥器外,还要合理选择重力分离空间高度。

    The design of steam generator should not only have highly efficient and compact separator and dryer , but also an adequate height of gravity separation space .

  28. 本文基于非线性连续损伤力学理论,考虑多轴应力的影响,建立了汽水分离器的疲劳寿命、蠕变寿命及疲劳&蠕变寿命分析的非线性多轴连续损伤模型。

    Based on continuum damage mechanics and with multi-axial load taken into consideration , a nonlinear damage model of life analysis of steam-water separator is set up .

  29. 波形板汽水分离器由于其分离效率较高,广泛应用于核动力装置中,并且作为汽水分离系统最后一级分离器,在核电站中占有重要的地位。

    Due to the high separating efficiency , steam-water separator with corrugated plates is used to nuclear-powered equipments widely as the last stage of the steam separation system .

  30. 目前工厂生产的主导产品有:波纹管密封截止阀、自由浮球疏水阀、先导式减压阀、气动调节阀、自作用式温控阀、汽水分离器等。

    The chief products include : Bellows seal globe valve , Free-float steam trap , Pilot pressure reducing valve , Pneumatic control valve , Self-acting temperature-sensing valve , Cyclone separator etc.