
  • what;Luís Carlos Almeidada Cunha;NAMNIE;James McNerney
  1. 《纳尼亚传奇:狮子、女巫和魔衣橱》,CS刘易斯

    The Lion , The Witch and The Wardrobe , CS Lewis

  2. 英国作家C·S·路易斯创作的奇幻故事,《纳尼亚传奇》系列的第一部,也是该系列最著名的一部小说。

    A fantasy novel for children by C.S.Lewis , the first-published book of The Chronicles of Narnia , and the best known book of the series .

  3. 据西汉姆的技术总监纳尼透露,佛罗伦萨和AC米兰是最新表示对永贝里感兴趣的两家俱乐部。

    According to West Ham 's technical director Gianluca Nani , Fiorentina and AC Milan are the latest clubs interested in Ljungberg .

  4. 《财富》杂志(Fortune)获悉,这间公司刚刚从贾斯汀•比伯那里获得了110万美元的种子期投资,其他的投资者还有风险投资人舍文•皮西弗,拳击手佛洛依德•梅怀瑟和天使投资人汤姆•麦金纳尼。

    Fortune has learned that Bieber recently led a $ 1.1 million seed round for the company , whose other investors include venture capitalist shervin pishevar , boxer Floyd Mayweather and angel investor Tom McInerney .

  5. 改编自CSLewis的经典小说《纳尼亚王国历险记》的电影《狮子、女巫、魔衣橱》有可能会撼动哈里波特系列电影的统治地位。

    Based on the classic novels of CS Lewis , The Chronicles of Narnia : The Lion , the Witch and the Wardrobe poses a threat to the dominance of the Harry Potter films .

  6. 感谢英国作家C.S.路易斯(C.S.Lewis)。“佩文西(Penvensy)他们不就是因为这个原因才去狄戈里(Digory)家的吗?”碧翠丝问道(佩文西是路易斯的儿童文学作品《纳尼亚传奇》中的人物——译注)。

    Blessed be C. S. Lewis : " Isn 't that why the Pevensies went to Digory 's house to begin with ? " she said .

  7. 通用电气国际业务主管纳尼•贝加利(NaniBeccalli)预测,这两个亚洲国家的经济增长将放缓。

    Nani Beccalli , head of GE International , forecast economic growth would slow in the two Asian countries .

  8. Maxon的软件已经被用于电影大片,如蜘蛛侠,星球大战,纳尼亚传奇等等。

    MAXON software has been used in blockbuster movies such as Spider-Man , Star Wars , The Chronicles of Narnia and many more .

  9. 《纳尼亚传奇》是C.S.路易斯创作的一部闻名世界的儿童文学。

    The Chronicles of Narnia is a piece of world famous children literature , which is written by C.S. Lewis .

  10. 本论文中的主题部分第三章,第四章回答了影响C.S路易斯在其《纳尼亚传奇》中人物和形象构造的因素,及这些因素是如何影响Lewis人物和形象构造的核心问题。

    These three aspects are this thesis ' main body part which answers a thesis core question . That is what elements has affected Lewis construct his character and image and answers the question of how they have been affected in The Chronicles of Narnia .

  11. 双子座随时准备学习,短篇小说、教育性书籍、小说或卡通读物无不涉猎,但也比较容易厌倦,可能一天之内就读了从莎士比亚、厄普代克到西蒙-辛格的书,而且最后还把C.S.刘易斯的《纳尼亚传奇》浏览了一遍。

    Bored easily and always ready to learn , the Twins will dive into short stories , educational books , fiction or cartoons . You 'll read anything from Shakespeare to Updike to Simon Singh and finish off the day by going through C.S. Lewis ' complete Chronicles of Narnia .

  12. 多纳尼演绎海顿&G大调第88交响曲

    Christoph von Dohnanyi : Joseph Haydn Symphony No.88 in G Major

  13. 难道你忘了建立在纳尼亚之上的法律了吗?

    Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia was built ?

  14. 衣橱里面有一个充斥着魔幻生物的世界&纳尼亚。

    Inside the wardrobe is a world filled with magical beings-Narnia .

  15. 论歌剧《埃尔纳尼》的浪漫主义特色和演唱风格

    The Romantic Features and Concert Style of the Opera " Ernani "

  16. 七卷本的《纳尼亚传奇》是其代表作之一。

    The seven-volume The Chronicles of Narnia is his most famous work .

  17. 刘易斯的《纳尼亚传奇》系列儿童幻想小说是世界幻想小说的里程碑似的作品。

    Lewis is the milestone of the fantasy novels in the world .

  18. 杜穆纳斯:因为我相信纳尼亚终归会自由。

    Tumnus : Because I believe in a free Narnia .

  19. “纳尼总是很有潜力,”他说。

    " Nani has always had potential ," he said .

  20. 纳尼亚是个幻想之地,因为这些书是幻想书。

    Narnia is a fantasy land , because the books are fantasies .

  21. 明天我们要把无尾猿悬挂在纳尼亚最高的树木上。

    Tomorrow we shall hang that ape on the highest tree in Narnia .

  22. 我还以为纳尼亚里都没有圣诞节呢。

    I thought there was no Christmas in narnia .

  23. 纳尼亚王国传奇:狮王、女巫和魔衣橱

    The Chronicles of Narnia : The Lion , The Witch and The Wardrobe

  24. 不过,相信你会喜欢夏季的纳尼亚。

    But you would have loved Narnia in summer .

  25. 晚上,再在纳尼亚的世界中安睡。

    And in the evenings , I would go to sleep in Narnia .

  26. “我们很享受进球,”纳尼告诉曼联电视。

    " We always enjoy ourselves when we 're scoring ," Nani told MUTV .

  27. “空物”?是纳尼亚的某个地方吗?

    Spare oom ? Is that in narnia ?

  28. 我就在禁区内,看着纳尼的传中。

    I was just in the box and I saw Nani 's cross coming .

  29. 如果你死了对纳尼亚就没用了。

    You 're worth nothing to Narnia dead .

  30. 纳尼有很强的能力,他有速度,能进很漂亮的球。

    Nani has fantastic ability – he has pace and can score spectacular goals .