
  • 网络Portuguese Cup;Cup of Portugal
  1. 利物浦新援梅雷莱斯代表葡萄牙在世界杯上表现不俗。

    Raul Meireles Liverpool 's new signing Raul Meireles in action for Portugal during the World Cup .

  2. 柏林当地一家活动代理组织了此次不同寻常的盛事。他们坚信接下来参与的人数不会减少,尤其在周一德国对葡萄牙的世界杯首场比赛。

    The unusual spectacle was organised by a local events agency who are confident that the bumper crowds will continue , particularly for Germany 's opener against Portugal on Monday .

  3. C罗曾4次获得年度足球先生,2016年他带领葡萄牙队夺得欧洲杯冠军,C罗铜像本该是一种象征“卓越典范”的荣耀。

    It was supposed to be an honour befitting of an " example of excellence , " the four-time footballer of the year who led Portugal to victory in last year 's European Championship .

  4. 比利时守住了上半场的领先优势,以1比0击败葡萄牙,晋级欧洲杯四分之一决赛。

    Belgium a first-half lead to beat Portugal 1-0 and advance to the quarterfinals of the European Championship .

  5. 除开这些,他作为英格兰队的一员参加了04年在葡萄牙举行的欧洲杯(咳咳,官网竟然写错了这点)。

    Despite this , he was part of the England squad for the2004 European Championships in Holland and Belgium .

  6. 罗纳尔多希望一鸣惊人,并帮助葡萄牙赢得德国世界杯。

    Cristiano Ronaldo wants to take the World Cup by storm and help Portugal win the tournament in Germany .

  7. 据旅行社介绍,在英格兰被葡萄牙淘汰出世界杯赛后,被伤透心的国内球迷们为寻求安慰出国度假,而在选择度假地时,他们偏偏不去葡萄牙。

    England fans seeking solace from their World Cup woe were shunning Portugal as a holiday destination after the national squad knocked England out of the tournament , travel agents said .