
  • 网络Portugal Wine
  1. 该公司出品的高级葡萄酒品种多样,充分反映了葡萄牙最佳葡萄酒地区的实力。

    The different kinds of Messias high-grand wines fully represent the capability of the best regions of origin in Portugal .

  2. 某些年龄段的美国人会把这种形状与上世纪70年代流行的一种葡萄牙产廉价葡萄酒蜜桃红(Mateus)联系起来。

    It 's a silhouette that Americans of a certain age associate with Mateus , the cheap Portuguese wine popular in the ' 70s .

  3. 这还不是最特别的,最特别的是顾客可以品尝到来自葡萄牙诺瓦园的葡萄酒,这种葡萄酒非常昂贵而且稀有。

    Along with the sweet dessert , customers are also given a very rare and highly expensive port wine , Quinta do Novel Nicional , from Portugal .

  4. 甚至在法国、意大利、西班牙和葡萄牙等国,葡萄酒展现出了新的魅力。上世纪末,这些国家生产葡萄酒一般被视为理所当然的事情,从数量上来看,消费者主要是老人和穷人。

    Even in countries such as France , Italy , Spain and Portugal , where at the end of the last century wine was still typically taken for granted and mainly drunk , in quantity , by the elderly and impoverished , wine has acquired a new glamour .

  5. 当经济学家大卫李嘉图(davidricardo)在世时,这种方法很管用:200年前,葡萄牙用“葡萄牙制造”的葡萄酒交换“英格兰制造”的英国纺织品。

    This worked fine when economist David Ricardo was alive : 200 years ago Portugal was trading wine " made in Portugal " for English textile " made in England " .