
  1. 增加劳动强度生产的剩余价值属于绝对剩余价值

    The Surplus Value Producted by Increasing of Labour Intensity Belongs to the Absolute Surplus Value

  2. 对于曼德尔来说,经济体所生产的总剩余价值,是将要实现的利润总额的最高限值,是可以限定的资本总额的最高限值。

    For Mandel , the total surplus value produced constitutes a limit to the amount of profits to be realised , the amount of capital that can be valorised .

  3. 作为特殊,资本主义生产劳动就是生产剩余价值的劳动。

    The later , the " productive labor " of capitalism is regarded as the labor producing surplus values .

  4. 我们再来看在理想商品的假定下,马克思揭示了剩余价值的本质和来源之后,如何继续探究在现实的资本主义生产方式中,剩余价值的各种具体形态及其规律。

    Now let 's come to have a look at how Marx continues to investigate different concrete forms and laws of surplus value under the presumed ideal commodity after he has revealed its essence and origin .

  5. 根据马克思在《资本论》各卷中的论述,认为只有那些既能为社会生产物质财富,又能为社会生产剩余价值的劳动才是生产劳动,否则就是非生产劳动。

    Marx thought only the labor which could produce material wealth and surplus value for the society can be regarded as productive labor , or it would be considered as non-productive labor based on the exposition in Capital .

  6. 管理劳动创造价值的说法没有区分物质生产部门的管理劳动和非物质生产部门的管理劳动,没有区分资本家的剥削劳动和雇佣工人的被剥削劳动,没有区分剩余价值的生产和剩余价值的分配。

    The theory which management creates value does not distinguish management work of material department from non - material department and does not distinguish exploitation work of capitalists from exploited work of employees by capitalists and does not distinguish production of surplus value from distribution of surplus value .