
The Surplus Value Producted by Increasing of Labour Intensity Belongs to the Absolute Surplus Value
For Mandel , the total surplus value produced constitutes a limit to the amount of profits to be realised , the amount of capital that can be valorised .
The later , the " productive labor " of capitalism is regarded as the labor producing surplus values .
Now let 's come to have a look at how Marx continues to investigate different concrete forms and laws of surplus value under the presumed ideal commodity after he has revealed its essence and origin .
Marx thought only the labor which could produce material wealth and surplus value for the society can be regarded as productive labor , or it would be considered as non-productive labor based on the exposition in Capital .
The theory which management creates value does not distinguish management work of material department from non - material department and does not distinguish exploitation work of capitalists from exploited work of employees by capitalists and does not distinguish production of surplus value from distribution of surplus value .