
  • 网络TTL
  1. “当我们在生命早期就成功地改善心脏病人的生存时,我们无法挽救那么多的心脏肌肉,”Stuart医生说。

    " While we have done a great job in improving survival of patients suffering a heart attack earlier in life , we haven 't been able to save that much heart muscle ," said Dr.

  2. 生存时遇到的状况如果还不是特别令人愤怒的话,那么死亡呢?

    And if a living outrage isn 't enough , how about in death ?

  3. 我的肉体在我停止生存时也停止了生存。

    My body stops being alive at the very same moment that I cease being alive .

  4. 因此,当周边环境变得不适宜生存时,四膜虫会启动一直休眠的性欲,以帮助自己存活。

    So when times are tough , Tetrahymena can actually switch on a dormant sex drive to help it survive .

  5. 并论述了公民生存时自愿捐献组织器官应属公民对身体权的支配,该行为应当受到法律的严格限制,遵守一定的立法原则。

    Also it discusses the right to contribute organs when alive and the limitation of this right from the point of law .

  6. 当大气成分的变化增大到危及生物的正常生存时,就造成了大气污染。

    When the change in the air substances increases to the level that endangers to living things normal life , the air is then polluted .

  7. 政府应该只批准的药物显然延长生存时,她说,还是被证实对改善病人的生活质量。

    The government should only approve drugs that clearly extend survival , she said , or that demonstrably improve a patient 's quality of life .

  8. 政府是人类文明的产物,当各种矛盾和冲突加剧到危及人类生存时,政府应运而生。

    Governments are the result of human civilization and come into being when various controversies and conflicts intensify to threaten the existence of the human race .

  9. 为什么他们生存时,一些是他们克服困难时期?他们为什么要赢别人输?他们为什么当别人飙升下沉?

    Why do they survive the tough times when others are overcome by them ? Why do they win when others lose ? Why do they soar when others sink ?

  10. 当你依靠捐赠生存时你时刻都在担心明天钱会从哪来当我看她的节目的时候有哭有笑

    when you 're rely on donations you 're always worrying about it where are the monye gonna come from the next day when I watch her I laugh and then I cry

  11. 当人类意识到环境资源的破坏已经开始影响经济的发展,更直接威胁到人类的生存时,可持续发展思想应时而生。

    When humans realize that the destruction of environmental resources has begun to affect economic development , but also a direct threat to human survival , the concept of sustainable development comes with the tide of fashion .

  12. 能量是生态系统的货币,只有当食物转变为能量,能量再用来寻找更多的食物以供生长、繁殖和生存时,生命才成为可能。

    Energy is the currency of the ecological system and life becomes possible only when food is converted into energy , which in turn is used to seek more food to grow , to reproduce and to survive .

  13. 第一百零一条人寿保险人于被保险人在契约规定年限内死亡,或届契约规定年限而仍生存时,依照契约负给付保险金额之责。

    Article101a life insurer is obligated to pay the insured amount in accordance with the contract when the insured dies within the time limit set forth in the contract or is still alive when the time limit set forth in the contract expires .

  14. 同时建议在用SF-36评估极轻或重度COPD患者生存质量时最好联合应用其他合适量表。

    It is advisable to use other appropriate scales with SF-36 to assess the patients with lower or higher severity of COPD .

  15. 目的:评价中文版简明健康状况调查表(SF-36)用于调查中国脑卒中患者的生存质量时的信度、效度和可应用性。

    AIM : To assess the reliability , validity and applicability of the Chinese version of SF-36 in evaluating the quality of life ( QOL ) of Chinese stroke patients .

  16. 那不是我在考虑生存下去时想要的东西。

    It doesn 't give me what I want when I want to survive .

  17. 以及我想要生存下去时真正想要的是什么?

    And the question , What was it that I wanted , when I wanted to survive ?

  18. 当社会环境利于企业会计舞弊生存发育时,企业会计舞弊便不以人的意志为转移,来势凶猛,甚至愈演愈烈;

    When the social environment is helpful to the collusion of the business accounting , it will become worse to worse .

  19. 当我们处理的是紧急事件和生存事件时,我们没有如此多的证据。

    When we are dealing with matters of urgency and of survival , we do not have the luxury of such proof .

  20. 通过本期节目,我们将具体了解旅行者在定义和评价生存品质时主要是从哪些方面切入的。

    Throughout the course of the program , we are going to be look at closely of what it is that travelers look for when they want to define quality .

  21. 芝加哥大学的研究人员通过研究发现,松鼠在执行生存任务时如果体内对抗应激的皮质醇水平保持适度水平,他们的学习速度会更快。

    In humans , cortisol production is linked to stress and is known to impact learning , but the process is not well understood , said lead researcher Jill Mateo .

  22. 在他的小说中,人的生存状态时荒诞的,人的生活中充满了苦难和暴力,并且死亡频频发生。

    In his novel , fantastic at the time of people 's existence state , full of suffering and violence in people 's life , and the death takes place again and again .

  23. 根据随机部署模型,估算满足覆盖率要求时的最少活跃节点密度,进而求出给定网络生存期时的每个子区域应部署的最小节点密度。

    A critical active density is estimated with coverage requirement in random uniform deployment , and then minimum deploying density is derived for a given lifetime based on the aforementioned critical active density .

  24. 在考虑带有删失数据的生存资料时,如果忽视删失数据,则会导致结论错误。

    Survival time can be accurate , and also can be censored . If we ignore censored data in considering the survival data which include the censored data , we will draw a wrong conclusion .

  25. 基于新生代农民工的新特征,当新生代农民工面临与第一代农民工相似的生存环境时,新生代农民工的心理落差会尤为明显,进而做出许多不同的应对行为。

    Based on these new features . when faced with the similar living environment with the first generation of migrant workers . the new generation will have psychological gap obviously and make many different coping behaviors .

  26. 似乎许多人都会向搜索引擎提些稀奇古怪的问题,还在遭遇生存危机时指望它提供指导意见,比如问“我何时会死去呢”以及“我们存在的意义是什么”。

    And it appears many people ask the search engine some strange questions and rely on it to provide guidance in the event of an existential crisis , asking ' when will I die ? ' and ' why are we here ? '

  27. 生存质量作为时变协变量的Cox回归分析及应用

    Quality of Life as A Time dependent Covariable in Cox Regression Analysis and Its Application

  28. 当爱情与生存相矛盾时,往往是爱情为生存退步,变得极其无奈。

    When love contradicts survival , people will become extremely helpless and give in .

  29. 无瘤生存病人手术时中位年龄为26.8岁,带瘤生存和死亡的病人手术时中位年龄为34岁。

    The median age was 26.8 years for survivor of tumor-free , and 34 years for survivor with tumor and died .

  30. 2008年秋季的教训让企业认识到,当银行为了生存而挣扎时,信贷额度是不可靠的。

    In the autumn of2008 companies learned that credit lines could not be relied on when banks were fighting for survival .