
  • Productive fixed assets;【财】basic production assets
  1. 企业生产性固定资产投资模型分析

    On a Control Model of Investment of Enterprise Productive Fixed Capital

  2. 农户固定资产投资与收入增长关系的实证研究固定资本,股本,生产性固定资产

    Empirical Analysis on the Relationship between Fixed Assets Investment and Income Increase of Rural Household

  3. 在此期间,农业基本建设投资形成的生产性固定资产投资与其它农业生产要素共同构成了农业经济增长的主要因素。

    During this period , investment in agriculture infrastructure and other product factor result in the growth of agriculture economy .

  4. 第三产业比例、非生产性固定资产投资比例与福利指数呈现密切的正相关关系,政府投资在居民福利提高过程中发挥的作用很大。

    The proportion of tertiary industry , proportion of non-productive benefits of investment in fixed assets have a close positive correlation to welfare index .

  5. 投资乏力,生产性固定资产损耗严重,仍是制约该地区经济发展的老大难问题。

    But there were still some restraints in the regional economic development , that is , not enough investment and a serious loss of fixed productive assets .

  6. 同时,农户所拥有的生产性固定资产差异也是增大农村收入差别的重要因素;

    At the same time , the difference of productive fixed asset owned by farmer families is also the significant factor contributing to the income gap in countryside .

  7. 从四部门经济模型看,进出口差额的大小也会通过企业的生产性消费(固定资产投资,库存投资等)和家庭的消费两部分的传导,影响到游资量;

    For the model of four sectional economy , imports and exports balance yet affects hot money gross with transmitting by enterprise investment and family consumption ;