
  1. 九十多户的山村,整个笼罩在绿色的葡萄架下。

    Apart from Apple orchards , there were vineyards everywhere .

  2. 夏天,我想在葡萄架下荡秋千。

    In Summer , I want to swing under the grapes stem .

  3. 丝瓜新型棚架高效省本栽培葡萄架下栽培平菇试验研究

    Experiment and Research of the Culture of Pleurotus ostreatus under the Grape Trellis

  4. 葡萄架下加装黑网。

    Add the sun screen under the arbor .

  5. “波克,爸埋在葡萄架下大橡木桶里的那些玉米威士忌酒怎么样了?”

    " Pork , what of the corn whisky Pa buried in the oak barrel under the scuppernong arbor ?"

  6. 到了夏季的夜晚,母亲依然带着我在葡萄架下乘凉,那张宽大的竹床因少了父亲而显得更加宽敞。

    Summer night , the mother is still with me in the shade under the , broad face and a small while his father is even more spacious .

  7. 在七夕夜深人静之际,少女们还会躲到葡萄架下或槿树篱笆旁,相传可以偷听到织女相思的哭泣声。

    In the Tanabata night , the girls will hide under a grape tree near the fence or has it can steal hear the cries of the boy was missing .

  8. 只是依稀记得,在星河灿烂的夏季夜晚,年轻的父亲会搬上一张宽宽的竹床,放到我们家院子里的葡萄架下,然后我们就坐在那里乘凉。

    Only vaguely remember , in the summer of Xinghe brilliant night , the young father will onto a broad , put our house under yard , and then we sat there on the shade .

  9. 据说在这一天的晚上,如果静静地躲在葡萄架下,就能听到牛郎、织女说的悄悄话。

    It is said that on the Eve of Qiqiao Festival , if one stands under a wine trellis and tries really hard enough , one can hear the loving whisper of the Weaving Girl and the Herd Boy .