
  1. 河西走廊原产赤霞珠干红葡萄酒酿制中挥发性风味物质变化的分析

    Analysis on Volatile Flavor Compounds in Different Fermentation Stages of Dry Wine of Cabernet Sauvignon from Hexi Corridor

  2. 精致:描绘了清淡或均匀的葡萄酒酿制得当,口味优雅。

    Delicate : Positive term to describe a light wine or medium wine with good flavor that is well-made and elegant .

  3. 当葡萄酒酿制好,酿酒师已将酒做的尽善尽美,就开始装瓶。

    When wine is made and when the winegrower has nothing more to bring to his wine , it is bottled .

  4. 如果一瓶酒95%的葡萄都产于相同的年份,那你将会看到葡萄酒酿制的年份被标注在酒瓶上。

    If95 percent of the grapes came from a single year , you will see the vintage year listed on the bottle .

  5. 用葡萄酒桶酿制的啤酒,两年。我自制的

    Beer brewed in a wine barrel . Two years . I bottled it myself .

  6. 狄奥尼索斯是古希腊的酒神,掌管葡萄的栽培和葡萄酒的酿制,同时作为疯狂之神、戏剧之神、和秘仪之神受到古希腊人的崇拜。

    Dionysus is the wine god of the Greek who cultivate the grape and brew the wine grape . Meanwhile , as god , the drama of the crazy , and the secret of god by Greek god instrument of worship .

  7. 每一种果酒都经过小试中试,结果表明,经安琪葡萄酒酵母酿制而成的果酒,酒体丰满,醇厚,具典型的水果香气,保留了原有水果的各种营养成分。

    The test application in each kind of fruit wine suggested that the application of Angel brand grape wine yeast in fruit wine brewing could not only keep the nutritious components of the original fruits but also make the wine pure and mellow with typical fruit aroma .

  8. 葡萄酒是由葡萄酿制而成的。

    The wine is made from grapes .

  9. 这6款葡萄酒首先是货真价实的山区酒——颜色浓稠,而且具有阿根廷高海拔葡萄酒那种精心酿制的醇厚味,甚至可以与西班牙海拔300-400米杜罗河区(RiberadelDuero)酿制的美酒相媲美。

    They are first and foremost mountain wines , with the dense colour and vivid , finely etched flavours that you find in the high-altitude wines of Argentina or even in the best of Spain 's Ribera del Duero wines grown at a mere 300m or 400m .