
  • 网络Matilda;mathilda
  1. 他指示马蒂尔达的遗体必须葬在家族墓穴里。

    He ordered that Matilda 's body should be buried in the family vault .

  2. 马蒂尔达与残酷的父母和专横的女校长特朗奇布尔小姐的斗争,同样令人愤怒和恐惧,但他们也有抱负。

    Matilda 's battles with her cruel parents and the bossy headmistress , Miss Trunchbull , are equally fumy and frightening , but they 're also aspirational .

  3. 乔治现在比任何时候都希望,自己和马蒂尔达之间那一场不快从未发生过。

    George wished now more than ever that the bitter encounter with Matilda had never occurred .

  4. 好吧,乔治,马蒂尔达一面把热气腾腾的碗放在桌子上,一面说。

    " A right , George ," Matilda said , setting steaming bowls on the table .

  5. 鸭妈妈马蒂尔达已经习惯了在带一家子行动时接受这些穿制服的人类的帮助了。

    Matilda is becoming used to have uniformed help when she needs to move her family around .

  6. 一天,邻居家小姑娘马蒂尔达敲开他的房门,要求在他这里暂避杀身之祸。

    One day , a neighbor girl knocked on his door Mathilda asking here take shelter in his killing .

  7. 为了保护马蒂尔达及其他孩子,医生必须弄清她是否患了白喉。

    In order to protect Mathilda and other children , the doctor must know clearly whether she got diphtheria .

  8. 早上7点,萨顿科尔菲尔德警局的警察们接到任务,帮助在西米德兰兹郡小镇的酒吧外处于困境的野鸭马蒂尔达和她的6个鸭宝宝。

    Officers at Sutton Coldfield Police Station were called out at 7am to help mallard Matilda and her six ducklings who were stranded outside a pub in the West Midlands town .