
  1. 这些世界杯球迷是如何看待这个国家的葡萄酒酿造工艺呢?

    What do World Cup fans think about the country 's much derided viticulture ?

  2. 通过各种干型葡萄酒酿造工艺导航以及取样检测和报警措施,确保葡萄酒的质量不会发生偏离;

    Via guides of different wine making techniques and by sampling test and warning to ensure wine making quality ;

  3. 皮亚琴察以其源远流长的葡萄种植历史及传统的葡萄酒酿造工艺闻名于世,教皇保罗三世法尔内塞的每日必饮则是出产于此地的葡萄酒。

    Pope Paul III Farnese was accustomed to drinking wine from this land , which has always been known for its long-standing wine-growing and production tradition .

  4. 什么原因能产生较高含量的原花青素?仅仅是红葡萄酒的酿造工艺吗?这些地区的酿造工艺与世界其它地区有什么不同?

    What gives the wines their higher concentration of procyanidins ? Is it just the wine-making methods ? How does this differ to other areas of the world ?

  5. 这是干红葡萄酒重要的酿造工艺之一吧?

    And it is one of the important techniques in dry red wine making , right ?

  6. 提出了为满足市场的更高要求,必须进一步优化红葡萄酒的各种酿造工艺。

    In order to meet the higher requirements of the market , the steeping techniques must be further optimized in claret production .