
  • 网络Napa County;Napa County, California;Napa valley
  1. 大风也被归咎于纳帕县野火的罪魁祸首。

    High winds are also being blamed for stocking the wildfire in Napa County .

  2. 幸福是一个在纳帕县,加利福尼亚州,索诺玛谷东景观照片的名称。

    Bliss is the name of a photograph of a landscape in Napa County , California , east of Sonoma Valley .

  3. 纳帕县以其葡萄园闻名于世,在地震后又遭遇了5次余震。美国地质勘探局(UnitedStatesGeologicalSurvey,简称USGS)警告说,今后7天,震区周围10到20英里范围内有54%的可能性出现更多地震。

    Napa , the county famous for its vineyards , suffered five subsequent aftershocks and the United States Geological Center warned there was a 54 per cent chance of more earthquakes in the surrounding 10 to 20 miles in the next seven days .

  4. 上周末,加利福尼亚纳帕县发生6.0级地震,目前结构工程师仍然在估算损失。

    Structural engineers continue to assess the damage in Napa California after this past weekend 's magnitude 6.0 earthquake .