
  • 网络Virtual Hard Disk;vhd;VHDs;virtual disk;ramdisk
  1. 你可以在虚拟硬盘中安装ISO文件,就像在真实的硬盘中一样。你也可以在完成安装后移除这个ISO文件。

    You can install the ISO file into the virtual hard disk as if it is a real hard disk and you can also remove the ISO file once you 're done installing .

  2. 然后,我们要创建一个虚拟硬盘。

    Then , we have to create a virtual hard disk .

  3. 虚拟硬盘系统的实现及应用

    Implementation and Applications of Virtual Harddisk System

  4. 在这种情况下,它们代表了虚拟硬盘及网络连接的配置情况。

    In this case , they represent the configuration of the virtual disk and network connection .

  5. 虚拟硬盘系统是一种功能强大的虚拟存储系统,有着良好的商业应用前景。

    Virtual harddisk system is a powerful virtual storage system , and has a good commercial perspective .

  6. 虚拟硬盘忽略存取的数据的大小转而使用一个固定的大小。

    This virtual hard disk uses a fixed amount of space regardless of the amount of data stored on it .

  7. 通过无缝加密你的位于一个虚拟硬盘驱动器上的数据来保护你的重要文件不被间谍软件所窃取。

    By seamlessly encrypts your way to a virtual hard drive data to protect your important files from being stolen by spyware .

  8. 一旦我们建立好了虚拟硬盘,我们将会看到一个设置概要,然后你会发现你的客户操作系统出现在了主窗口的左侧窗格中。

    Once we 're done setting up our virtual hard disk we 'll be presented with a summary and you 'll find your guest OS in the aforementioned side pane of the main window .

  9. 通过这种方式,您可以将一些硬盘合并到单个的虚拟化硬盘之中。

    In this way , you can combine several disks into a single virtual disk .

  10. 添加虚拟化硬盘与网络链接单元之后,这种依赖性链接就会判断额外的信息,以描述虚拟镜像的配置了。

    As with adding the virtual disk and network connection units , this dependency link augments the model with extra information to describe the configuration of the virtual image .

  11. 使用ClonezillaLive,首先从物理服务器创建一个系统映像,然后使用启动CD将映像恢复到虚拟机的硬盘中。

    With Clonezilla Live , you first create a system image from the physical server , then use the boot CD to restore the image onto the virtual machine 's hard disk .

  12. 它只是表明需要对虚拟机中的虚拟硬盘驱动器进行分区和格式化。

    To create new partitions , it must be initialized , causing the loss of ALL DATA on the drive .

  13. 虚拟镜像还包含了虚拟硬盘定义与虚拟网络连接单元,它们代表了虚拟监管系统向虚拟机系统所提供的虚拟资源。

    The virtual image also contains virtual disk definition and virtual network connection units that represent the virtual resources that the hypervisor provides to the virtual system .

  14. UML方法也很受欢迎,但它需要虚拟硬件(比如控制台、虚拟硬盘和网络)。

    This UML approach is also popular , but requires virtualized hardware ( such as a console , virtual disk , and networking ) .

  15. 向虚拟化镜像添加一个虚拟的硬盘定义单元和一个虚拟的以太网连接单元。

    Add a virtual disk definition unit and a virtual Ethernet connection unit to the virtual image .

  16. 微软的虚拟机使用了一个称为虚拟硬盘驱动器VHD(VirtualHardDrive)的格式。

    Virtual machines using Microsoft technology use a format called VHD or Virtual Hard Drive .

  17. 是基于WDF写的一个实现虚拟磁盘驱动,用部分内存虚拟出一个硬盘(实际不存在的银盘)。

    Is based on the WDF to write a virtual disk drive , some memory with a virtual hard disk ( the actual silver does not exist ) .

  18. 主要用于两种目的:虚拟光盘驱动器(ISO/IMG文件)和加密的虚拟硬盘驱动器。

    Gizmo Drive serves two main purposes : virtual CD-ROM drive ( ISO / IMG files ) and encrypted , virtual hard drive .

  19. 安全&有了本地虚拟技术组织可以仅仅锁住和加密虚拟机/虚拟硬盘的有价值的内容。

    Security – With local virtualization organizations can lock down and encrypt just the valuable contents of the virtual machine / disk .