
xū jiǎ xū qiú
  • False demand;imaginary demand
  1. 虚假需求与金融危机&国际金融危机的马克思经济学解析

    Imaginary Demand and Financial Crisis : Interpretation of International Financial Crisis with Marx Economics

  2. 从虚假需求到异化消费&西方马克思主义现代消费观批判及其现实意义

    From " False Needs " to " Alien Consumption " Western Marxists ' Critique of View of Modem Consumption Its Practical Significance

  3. 将电视留在身后,那么对你而言并非维生所需的物品的虚假需求就可以被留在身后。

    Leave the television behind , and the artificial need for objects that you really do not require to subsist will also be left behind .

  4. 大众商人都非常擅长于制造虚假需求,而这些虚假需求的梦想,被通过媒体、电视商业和信息而加载到大众身上。

    The mass merchandisers are really good at creating artificial need , and the dream for the need is pressed into the masses through the media and television commercials and infomercials .

  5. 尽管如此,马尔库塞的这一理论对于分析现代社会所存在的虚假需求现象亦具有有益的借鉴和启迪意义。

    However , the " false need " theory by Marcuse may have the reference and enlightenment value on analyzing the phenomena of the " false need " in modern society .

  6. 同时,我们可以看到,金融危机的爆发看似金融体系不规范操控引起的,实则是虚假需求过度膨胀的必然结果。

    At the same time , we can see the outbreak of the financial crisis appears to be caused by non-standard control of the financial system , but in reality is a result of the false demand for the inevitable excessive expansion .

  7. 第二部分揭示了消费主义是如何通过制造虚假的需求控制和管理新世界人们的思维模式和行为方式的。

    The second part exposes how consumerism controls and regulates New World citizens mode of thought and behavior by the creation of false needs for incessant consumption .

  8. 此举令人们更加担心,承销商们将受到压力,促使它们向所谓的基石投资者提供贷款。这可能在死气沉沉的首次公开发行市场上制造虚假的需求。

    The move is fuelling fears that underwriters will be pushed into lending to so-called cornerstone investors , potentially creating false demand in the lacklustre market for initial public offerings .

  9. 长期来看,这种虚假的消费需求支持可能会造成额外的价格转嫁给终端消费者,中期内可能会阻碍消费增长。

    Longer term , this artificial support of consumer demand is likely to result in additional price pass-through to end-consumers , which is likely to stymie consumption growth over the intermediate term .

  10. 因此,从遏制有利害关系者对虚假会计信息需求,寻找治理会计信息失真的对策,是一种实事求是的积极探索。

    Therefore it is a practical , realistic and active exploration to hold back the demanding to inveracious requirement for accountant information to those whose benefits are related and find the countermeasure to administer the distortion of accountant information .

  11. 然而,虚假会计信息的大量存在,表明市场对虚假会计信息的需求大于对真实财务信息的需求。

    However , the exiting of tremendous false accounting information have indicated that the market 's requirements of the false were larger than the truth .