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  1. 论素描在写实油画艺术创作中的作用析永州八记中虚实相生的写景艺术论当代写实大师奥德·诺德姆的绘画艺术

    On the Sketch in the Realist Painting of the Role of Artistic Creation

  2. 中国传统园林的虚实相生与心物交融

    The False Coexisting with the True and Spirit Mingling with Material in Chinese Traditional Gardening

  3. 这使得审美意象体现了虚实相生的特征。

    This makes the aesthetic imagery with the characteristics of the mutuality between Xu and Shi .

  4. 虚实相生的新空间&戏曲电视剧美术设计问题初探

    Design Chinese Traditional Opera for TV

  5. 中国艺术中的虚实相生论

    An Opinion of Chinese Arts

  6. 在生动气韵、情景交融、虚实相生中展现诗歌深远的意境。

    In vivid artistically the scenes , the vacuousness of Health show a profound mood of poetry .

  7. 用笔点染勾擦、精巧准稳、虚实相生,产生很强的表现力;

    Dianran hook brush pen , compact quasi-steady , vacuousness of Health to produce a very strong expression ;

  8. 论中国传统音乐虚实相生的审美意趣

    On the Aesthetic Interest of the " Nihility and Existence Growing out of One Another " in Chinese Traditional Music

  9. 谁如果不懂得虚实相生,境生象外,谁就不可能领悟中国绘画的特色。

    Whoever does not know mutualism of blankness or conception beyond image , can not comprehend characteristics of Chinese painting .

  10. 诗词的直接信息和潜在信息是表里相成、虚实相生的。

    The latent information is essential for poetic aeshetics in that the direct and latent information of poetry affect each other .

  11. 唐叙事诗是我国文人叙事诗发展的一个高峰,其虚实相生的叙事手法值得探究。

    As one of the peak of the narrative poems in Chinese history , the narrative method employed is worth discussion .

  12. 虚实相生是中国古典美学的重要原则,也是中国古典园林艺术的精髓。

    The interpromotion of void and solid is an important principle in Chinese classic aesthetics and the essence of Chinese traditional garden art .

  13. 从水墨意象图形的意境语言中上提炼出图形具有随性流动的感觉和图形具有虚实相生的意境。

    From the ink image graphics artistic language to refine graphics with flowing feeling and graphics with the actual situation of artistic conception .

  14. 总结、提炼虚实相生水墨意境在现代平面设计中有效运用的原则和思路。

    Refining the principles and ideas of the " virtual and real " the Ink mood in the effective use of modern graphic design .

  15. 趣的审美特征主要包括主客观统一性、生命的自由与灵慧性、虚实相生性及强烈的心理趋向性;

    Its essential characteristics include the subjective-objective unity , the life freedom and wisdom , illusory-real supplement each other , and strong psychical tendency .

  16. 虚实相生诗画交融&从中国诗和画的实与虚看诗画交融

    False or True Complement Poetry and Drawing Blend & On the poetry and draw blend from the false or true of Chinese poetry and drawing

  17. 在宇宙观上,中国以道为源,无中生有,虚实相生。

    Chinese believe that in the cosmos Dao is the source of all creation . You ( being ) is born of Wu ( nothing );

  18. 本课题虚实相生的设计语言与表现主要研究的是虚实相生的图形语言特点和设计表现。

    The main purpose of this research is the features of graphic language and the design expression of the mutual promotion between asthenia and sthenia .

  19. 艺术作品的魅力就来自于作品本身的情景交融、虚实相生的表现形式以及由此而带来的韵味无穷的接受效果。

    The charm of art works from their own scenes and the virtual and real forms of expression and the lasting appeal brought by the acceptance of results .

  20. 虚实相生的新空间&戏曲电视剧美术设计问题初探着重探讨图形、符号对现代电视美术设计观念的影响,极其在新的时空背景下的应用。

    Emphasize to inquiry into the figure , symbol to the notional influence in design in art in modern television , and application under The new space-time background .

  21. 所谓的意境之美是在情景交融的基础上,观物取象、超以象外,物我合一、虚实相生的艺术境界。

    The so-called beauty of artistic conception is the basis of the scenes and watch things take like Beyond the things-one , the artistic realm of virtual and real .

  22. 而结构决定功能,美妙的诗意与人生感悟惟有在这种有无虚实相生的辩证性结构中才能够准确地传达。

    The structure decides function , beautiful poetry and inspiration from life only can be truly expressed by the dialectical structure of with or without , false or true complement .

  23. 而虚实相生就是中国画中的重要表现形式,阴与阳是对立的,又是互生互根的关系,有阴才有阳,无阳也就无所谓阴。

    And the virtual and reality is an important form in Chinese painting . Yin and Yang are not only opposite but also alternate . No Yang , without Yin .

  24. 传记作为一种虚实相生的叙事文本,它在叙事艺术的各个层面和小说既有联系又有区别。

    As a narrative text with both trueness and falseness , in various dimensions , the narrative art of biography has not only connections but also differences to that of novels .

  25. 阐述他们是如何立足于水彩本体语言,并怎样适宜的结合虚实相生这一艺术辩证手法产生具有东方特色的妙境。

    Described how they are based on the the watercolor own language , and how appropriate a combination of virtual and real the dialectical practices of this art wonderland with oriental features .

  26. 这是虚实相生的美学原则成为中国艺术思想的核心部分的哲学根源。

    It is the philosophy origin that the aesthetic principle of " Xu - Shi generated in each other " to be the " key part of the Chinese art thought " .

  27. 中国传统音乐虚实相生的审美特征体现在与西方音乐不同的形式、风格乃至表演等方面。

    In China , the traditional music aesthetic characteristics of " nihility and existence growing out of one another " is different from the Western music in form , style and even performance and so on .

  28. 虚实相生存在于大象宇宙,因为它所传达的言不尽的意境美,使之成为了美学家、艺术家、设计师所追求的一个重要美学原则。

    The mutual promotion between asthenia and sthenia lise in the universe , it is an important aesthetic principles which the aesthetician , artists , designers enjoy pursuing of , because of its endless artistic beauty .

  29. 在与电影美学的契合中,在弘扬传统文化的过程中,中国电影能够构建出虚实相生、境生象外的美学品格。

    In the process of binding with the film aesthetic and applying the traditional culture , Chinese film is able to build it 's own the mutual promotion between the substantial and the insubstantial and conception beyond images .

  30. 它所具有的独特造型与民族气质,带给观众幽默诙谐的情感氛围,以及特有的虚实相生的光影效果、音乐唱腔、表演形式等,使皮影戏成为深受人们喜爱的民间艺术。

    The unique shape and the national temperament bring audience humor emotional atmosphere . By virtue of its unique virtual and real lighting effects , music , singing , performing , shadow play had been popular folk art .