
tónɡ yīn cí
  • homonym;homophone
同音词 [tóng yīn cí]
  • [homonym] 字义不同,语音相同的词;字形相同,字义不同的词亦为同音词

  1. 汉语同音词调查及拼音输入法基线模型研究

    An Investigation on Chinese Homophone & Study on Pinyin IME Baseline Model

  2. 现代汉语同音词误用的原因及倾向

    The Cause and Tendency of Misuse of Chinese Homophone

  3. FPY中的同音词智能识别方法

    The Intelligent Recognition Methods of Chinese Homophone Words in FPY

  4. 正如发音不同的单词有可能有相同的soundex,反过来的情况也有可能发生:发音相同的单词,叫做同音词(homophone),可能有不同的代码。

    Just as different sounding words may have the same soundex , the reverse situation can also occur : words that sound identical , called homophones , may have different codes .

  5. 同音词是语言中极其重要而又十分普遍的现象。

    Homophones are the universal and very important phenomena in languages .

  6. 其次,分析了同音词产生的原因。

    Secondly , we have analysed the reason why the homonym produces .

  7. 联想存储技术在汉语同音词理解上的应用

    The Application of Associative Memory Technique to the Understanding of Chinese Homonyms

  8. 基于多知识源的同音词识别方法

    Approaches for Recognition of Chinese Homophone Words Based on the Multiple Knowledge Sources

  9. 同音词混淆是长期困扰现行盲文的问题。

    Confusion of homonym is a long-term disturbing problem in current Chinese Braille .

  10. 汉语双音节同音词词汇歧义消解过程的研究

    A study on the resolution of lexical ambiguity of two-syllable homophones in Chinese

  11. 日语比起汉语、英语,音素要少得多,因此,日语里的同音词较多,对于非母语的学习者来说有时易产生误解。同音词多是日语语言长期发展的历史产物;

    Homophones are the product of the historical development of the Japanese language .

  12. 再次,对同音词进行了细致的分类。

    Moreover , we have carried on the careful classification to the homonym .

  13. 哦,原来是两个同音词。

    Oh , they are two homonyms .

  14. 研究了语言对同音词的容忍程度有多高。

    We have studied how high the tolerance degree to the homonym in the language is .

  15. 同音词问题是在中国文字改革的过程中提出来的。

    Homonym problem was put forward in the course of Chinese reform of a writing system .

  16. 日语同音词的再认识

    Re - assessment of Japanese Homophones

  17. “同音词”性质的再认定

    Reaffirmation of the Nature of Homophones

  18. 同音词问题是研究汉语词汇的重要课题之一。

    For decades , homophone problem is one of the important issues for Chinese phonetic and vocabulary .

  19. 可分隔动词及其在拼音-汉字输入中同音词识别的应用

    Some Chinese Separable Verbs and Their Application in The Recognition of Homophone Words for Chinese Keyboard Input

  20. 对三组本应是兼类词但归为同音词的词进行了分析与更正。

    This should be on three groups of multi-category words but to homophone words for the analysis and correction .

  21. 语音平面的因素有轻声、重音、停顿、声调、同音词等;

    The factor of pronunciation plane has light tone , stress , pause , tone , homonym and so on ;

  22. 用于信息检索的同义词自动识别及其进展用信号检测论研究同义词、同音词的再认

    A Study of the Recognition of Synonyms and Homonyms in Chinese in the Light of the Theory of Signal Detectability

  23. 实验结果表明,在命名实验中,英汉同音词启动效应显著,汉英启动效应不显著;

    Results showed that homophone effects were significant when priming from English to Chinese , but not from Chinese to English .

  24. 同音词是人类语言中普遍存在的共有现象,现代汉语中存在着大量的同音字、词和短语。

    Homonyms commonly exist in the languages of mankind , and a great deal of homonyms can be found in modern Chinese .

  25. 介绍了同音词问题从理论和静态的研究,逐渐发展到动态的应用性的研究。

    We also introduce homonym problem 's study that from the theoretic and static research develop into dynamic state and applicative research gradually .

  26. 使用跨通道词汇判断任务和语义启动技术,两个实验分别考察了孤立状态下和句子语境中汉语双音节同音词意义通达的情况。

    Cross-modal semantic priming paradigm and lexical decision task were employed to investigate the processes of meaning access of two-syllable homophones in Chinese .

  27. 英语双关是一种重要的修辞格,以同音词和多义词为基本构材,以双重语境为链接,有助于产生诙谐生动的表达效果。

    Pun is an important rhetorical device in which speakers use homophones and homonyms to suggest humorous and amusing effect with help of double contexts .

  28. 本文试图就同音词的性质、来源、分化问题和在中文信息处理中的一些问题进行研究。

    This paper attempt to study the question of nature , source , distinguishing of the homonym and same problems in the Chinese information processing .

  29. 同音词造成的谐音与日本独特的历史、文化语境等息息相关,这是人们无法回避的民族语言的特殊现象。

    Closely linked to the unique history and cultural context of Japan , homonym is a phenomenon of national language which we cannot avoid taking into consideration .

  30. 同形词与汉语词汇史研究这一部分对同音词进行了定性的研究。首先,明确了同音词的含义以及同音词和同形词、多义词之间的关系。

    Homograph and the Study of History of Chinese Glossary First of all , define meaning of homonym , and the relation of homonym , homograph and polysemy .