
  • 网络virtual collection;virtual holdings
  1. 高校图书馆现实馆藏与虚拟馆藏的整合

    The Integration of the Real Holdings and Virtual Holdings of University Library

  2. 中小型高校图书馆虚拟馆藏资源建设模式分析

    Analysis on the Mode of Construction of Virtual Holdings Resources of Minor University Libraries

  3. 一个虚拟馆藏资源应该由一个Web服务器虚拟图像和另一个数据库服务器虚拟图像构成,当这两个同时使用时。

    A virtual collection could consist of a virtual image for a Web server and another virtual image for a database server when both are used together .

  4. 安装RationalQualityManager接下来的步骤是配置这个测试环境,虚拟馆藏资源,以及您团队的实验室资源组。

    The next steps for setting up Rational Quality Manager are to configure the test environments , virtual collections , and lab resource groups for your team .

  5. 网上虚拟馆藏建设初探

    A Preliminary Approach on the Construction of Virtual Library on Web

  6. 网络环境下大学图书馆虚拟馆藏的发展与维护

    Virtual Collection Development and Maintenance of Academic Libraries in Network Environment

  7. 复合图书馆实体馆藏与虚拟馆藏的有机整合

    Organic Integration of Material Collections and Virtual Collections in Compound Library

  8. 实体馆藏与虚拟馆藏选择准则比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Selection Criteria for Material and Virtual Collections

  9. 将网上信息资源视为虚拟馆藏

    Regarding the network information resources as an virtual library collection

  10. 应用网络数字化技术实现实体馆藏向虚拟馆藏转换

    Applying network digital technology to converse from material collections to virtual collection

  11. 浅谈加强高校图书馆虚拟馆藏的建设

    A Brief Discussion on the Construction of College Virtual Library

  12. 高校图书馆;虚拟馆藏;馆藏建设。

    Academic library ; Virtual library collection ; Construction of library collection .

  13. 网络环境下虚拟馆藏的组织与原则

    The Aggregating Method and Principle about Virtual Library Collections on the Web

  14. 大学图书馆虚拟馆藏资源建设的现状及发展

    The Status Quo and Development of Digital Collection Resources Construction at Academic Libraries

  15. 虚拟馆藏与图书馆传统的现实文献资源一起构成图书馆信息资料的总和。

    Library information resources consist of virtual collections and traditional real document resources .

  16. 对虚拟馆藏资源建设的思考

    Reflection on the construction of the virtual collection resources

  17. 高校图书馆虚拟馆藏的开发与利用

    Development and use of virtual collection in university libraries

  18. 虚拟馆藏资源范围广泛。

    The scope for virtual collection is very extensive .

  19. 现实馆藏与虚拟馆藏共同构成图书馆馆藏信息资源。

    Real collection and virtual collection make up the information resources of library collection .

  20. 报纸虚拟馆藏建设中面临的知识产权问题及对策

    The Intellectual Property Problem in the Construction of Virtual Collection of Newspapers and Countermeasures

  21. 网络环境下图书馆虚拟馆藏资源建设研究

    A research on the construction of the library hypothesized resources collection in network environment

  22. 对高校图书馆虚拟馆藏资源整合的分析研究

    An Analysis and Study on the Integration of Virtual Library Resources at Academic Libraries

  23. 湖南省高校图书馆虚拟馆藏建设调查与分析

    Investigation and analysis on establishment of virtual library collection of academic libraries in Hunan

  24. 网上虚拟馆藏的开发就是有目的地组织一些信息资源,帮助用户搜寻、发现一些专业学科的有用资源。

    To develop virtual collections is to organize information resources and provide them for users .

  25. 虚拟馆藏资源组织问题研究&电子资源的组织与揭示

    A Study of Organization of Digital Collections & The Organization and Presentation of Electronic Resources

  26. 论虚拟馆藏的建设

    On the Development of the Virtual Collection

  27. 现实馆藏与虚拟馆藏

    Real Collection and Virtual Collection

  28. 网络环境下,图书馆馆藏由传统馆藏、数字化馆藏和虚拟馆藏构成。

    In a networked environment , library collections consist of traditional collections , digital collections and virtual collections .

  29. 在《影响虚拟馆藏利用的因素分析&虚拟馆藏选择评价刍议之一》(载本刊2001年第5期)一文的基础上,提出建设虚拟馆藏的资源采集和馆藏管理政策。

    Based on the analysis in part ⅰ, presents the selection and management policies for virtual library collection .

  30. 海峡两岸大学图书馆虚拟馆藏资源建设比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Virtual Library Resource Development in University Libraries on Both Sides of the Taiwan Straits