
  • 网络Literature information resources;document information content
  1. 高校图书馆是学校的文献信息资源中心,任何使图书馆的馆舍、读者、文献信息资源和设备设施遭受损失的事件都有可能导致图书馆的安全危机。

    University library is the center of document information content among the whole university . Any damage of document information content , equipments , facilities or hurt of readers will lead to the library security crisis .

  2. 中国科学院天文文献信息资源网的运行及管理

    The Run Administration of the Astronomical Literature Information Resources Network of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

  3. 编译者在文献信息资源开发中必备的素质通过VBA程序设计,实现编标资源信息化管理与快速编标相结合

    Realizing combination of information management of bid compilation resources with quick compilation of bid through VBA programming

  4. 充分利用加入WTO的有利因素,健全和完善我国的有关法律,尽力把实施知识产权保护的负面影响减小到最低程度,使文献信息资源共享得以真正实现。

    The author points out that we should perfect the related laws and reduce the negative influence of implementing intellectual property right protection to make the resource sharing become true .

  5. CALIS系统、NSTL系统是国内目前文献信息资源共建共享最成功的两个例子。

    CALIS and NSTL are successful examples of literature information resources co-construction and sharing .

  6. 本文提出随着Internet发展图书馆网络化成为必然,梳理了图书馆网络、校园网和Internet之间的关系,分析了Internet对图书馆的影响,提出了在网络环境下图书馆文献信息资源建设的对策措施。

    This article make out it is necessarily for library network ware with the develop of Internet , comb the relation of library network ware , campus net and Internet , analyze affection of Internet to library , make out the antimere of library information resources in the net circumstances .

  7. 山西文献信息资源整合,应该采取两步走战略,依托CALIS和CERnet,建立A,B,C三类等级馆,最终实现跨平台、跨数据库、跨内容的资源共建共享。

    The integration of Shanxi / s literature information resources should adopt the two-step strategy , rely on CALIS and CERnet , establish the libraries of A-level , B-level and C-level , and realize the co-constructing and sharing of the trans-platform , trans-database and trans-content literature resources .

  8. 本文在归纳、分析传统型文献信息资源共享的方式、问题和原因的基础上,借鉴美国OCLC资源共享的模式,探讨现代型文献信息资源共享的新思路。

    Analyses and reveals the modes , problems and reasons of traditional document information resource sharing . With the introduction to the resource sharing patterns of American OCLC , the new approach of modern document information resource sharing is discussed .

  9. 为了使农业工程文献信息资源能快速、准确、完整地提供给广大农业工程科技人员参考利用,中国农业大学图书馆(东区)利用现代信息技术构筑了农业工程知识仓库(AEKD)。

    In order to supply agricultural engineering information more efficiently , accurately and completely for agricultural engineering technicians , China Agricultural University Library at East Campus is making use of modern network technology to build an Agricultural Engineering Knowledge Database ( AEKD ) .

  10. 论合并高校文献信息资源的整合

    On Integration of Reference Information Resources of Combined Higher Education Institution

  11. 标准文献信息资源的搜集和标准信息服务

    The collection of standard information resource and the standard information service

  12. 青海省高校文献信息资源共建共享的探讨

    Exploration of Bibliographic Information Resource Sharing in Universities in Qinghai Province

  13. 高校合并后图书馆的文献信息资源共享

    Literature resource sharing of libraries after mergence of colleges and universities

  14. 文献信息资源共享从传统型向现代型的转化

    Transformation of the traditional Document Information Resource Sharing into the Modernization

  15. 亚运文献信息资源的整合与构建

    Integration and Construction of Documents and Information Resources on Asian Games

  16. 构建大同市文献信息资源服务平台的思考

    Thinking about Constructing the Information Resource Sharing Platform in Datong City

  17. 现代图书馆文献信息资源开发研究

    Study of Exploiture and Utilization of Literature Information Resource in Library

  18. 关于21世纪文献信息资源共享的思考

    On the Shared Recourses of Library Information in the 21st Century

  19. 河北省农业文献信息资源整合及开发利用

    Agricultural Bibliographic and Information Resources Integration and development in Hebei Province

  20. 黑龙江省医学文献信息资源共享研究

    The Research into Medical Literature Information Resources Sharing in Heilongjiang Province

  21. 长株潭经济一体化的文献信息资源共享体系建设

    The Construction of Document Resource Sharing System under Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Economic Integration

  22. 论国家文献信息资源保障体系建设

    On the Development of a National Library and Information Resource System

  23. 文献信息资源共建共享模式新论

    A New Treatise on the Sharing and Development of Document Information Resources

  24. 河南省文献信息资源保障体系的共建共享

    On Henan 's Security System of Document & Information Resource

  25. 知识经济与文献信息资源共建共享

    The Public Construction and Enjoyment of Knowledge Economy and Document Information Resources

  26. 省城高校图书馆文献信息资源共享的构想

    Concept of Sharing of Literatures Information Resources of Provincial Capital University Library

  27. 先论述构建亚运文献信息资源的意义;

    It discusses the signification and types of documents and information resources .

  28. 高校经济类资料室文献信息资源建设的思考

    On Construction of Reference Information Resources of Economic Data of Higher Education

  29. 对图书馆文献信息资源管理标准化的回顾

    Review and prospect of chinese library information resource management standardization

  30. 试析当代图书馆文献信息资源的社会分配

    A Discussion on the Social Allocation of Documentary Information Resources at Libraries