
  • 网络Learning Garden;Study Garden;english materials
  1. 终身学习是与时俱进的需要,海外培训部是您成就事业、现目标的摇篮,是您理想的学习园地。

    Life-long study is the need of keeping up with the time , Overseas Trai-ning Department is the cradle fou you to achieve your goal , to realize your dream , and is the ideal place of study .

  2. 3·充分利用网络资源,提供网上在线学习园地,进行网上教与学的互动。

    By using net source , online learning garden and intercourse should be conducted .

  3. 从学习园地中查找有关星期的知识。

    Look over the knowledge about the weeks on the learning field .

  4. 让我们来布置一下学习园地。

    Let 's decorate with a garden plot of learning .

  5. 每个学习园地有块小地毯,柔软的座椅以及很多的书籍供学生们来阅读。

    A corner may have a rug , soft chairs and many books where students can go to read .

  6. 该系统采用多层架构的设计方案,具有在线查询、网络打印、个人信息管理、业务办理、学习园地等功能。

    The system applied N-tier architecture , and provided query , network printing , personal information management ( PIM ), online service and e-learning functions .

  7. 提供了一种基于校园局域网的课程学习园地支持系统的实现方法。

    This paper presents the design and implementation of courses learning system based on the campus network , resolving a series problems in the course of implementation .

  8. 所以,教师应当引导学生通过各种方式,如:英语学习园地,校园广播,英语角等各种渠道让学生们掌握一些基本的背景知识。

    So teachers must make the students master some basic background knowledge by all kinds of means such as English learning field , broadcasting , English corners and so on .

  9. 做成文艺青年学习及战斗的园地;

    Secondly , it tried to become a garden of learning and fighting for young artists .

  10. 这些资源包括:电脑学习软件,教师园地和晚间课余活动。

    These resources include : the computer learning software , the teacher 's corner , the nightly activities .

  11. 我确信,这些(网络上的)空间,这些社团,已经成为新一代学习者的学习园地,

    yeah . I really believe that these spaces , these communities , have become for a new generation of learners , the kind of communities ,