
  1. 梯若尔因其在“对实力雄厚的大型企业进行监管的最佳方式”上所做的研究,荣获了2014年诺贝尔经济学。学术经济圈认为他的成果产生了深远影响,这个奖项实归名至。

    In academic economic circles , Mr. Tirole 's winning the 2014 Nobel in economic science for his work on the best way to regulate large , powerful firms , was greeted as a fitting tribute to a man whose work had exerted profound influence .

  2. 过去的伟大图书馆从牛津大学(Oxford)的博德利图书馆(BodleianLibrary)到卡耐基(AndrewCarnegie)的小城图书馆为学术和经济发展做出了不可估量的贡献。

    The great libraries of the past – from Oxford 's Bodleian Library to Andrew Carnegie 's small town facilities – have made incalculable contributions to scholarship and economic progress .

  3. 但是,麦吉尔大学的莫泽指出了一些前景光明的例子,比如厄瓜多尔首都基多(Quito)以北的Yachay,这里被规划为一个科学、学术、经济以及技术研究和创新中心。

    But Ms Moser points to some promising examples , such as Yachay , north of Ecuador 's capital Quito , planned as a centre for scientific , academic , economic and technological research and innovation .

  4. 对土木水利工程结构进行健康监测是具有重大的学术、经济和社会意义。

    Thus , structural health monitoring ( SHM ) of civil and hydraulic structures is of significant importance .

  5. 因此,使用安全、清洁、廉价的分子氧作氧化剂的催化体系由于其学术和经济上的价值更具有研究意义。

    Therefore , it is meaningful in using cheap and clean molecular oxygen as oxidant because of its importance in academy and economy .

  6. 有机会成为蓝色空间的签约艺术家,获得学术和经济上的持续支持。

    Having the chance to become a contract artist of Blue Dream Land and get ongoing academic and financial support from Blue Dream Land .

  7. 甲烷的氧化偶联、部分氧化制合成气、甲烷制氢和芳烃等的研究工作对于由天然气生产液体燃料及化工基本原料的石油化工战略转移具有非常重要的学术和经济意义。

    The oxidation coupling of methane , the partial oxidation of methane to syngas , and the conversion of methane to hydrogen and aromatics are very important academically and economically , for these routes providing ways to produce liquid fuel from natural gas rather than those from petroleum .

  8. 论科技期刊学术目标与经济目标的冲突与协调

    Conflicts and coordination between academic goals and economic targets for sci-tech periodicals

  9. 西方学术史上经济哲学是如何演绎的?

    How does the economical philosophy deduct in the western history of learning ?

  10. 考虑到实验的学术价值和经济价值,最终选定枸橼酸钾作为本实验的模型药物。

    Potassium citrate was chosen as the model drug considering its academic and economic value .

  11. 县域经济是近年来学术界和经济实务界关注的热点问题。

    County regional economy has becoming a question of interest for both theory and policy in recent years .

  12. 当前学术界对经济全球化问题的认识分歧,主要集中在如何准确界定经济全球化的本质上。

    The divergences of views on economic globalization in current academic circles mainly focus on how to define its essence .

  13. 从意识观念、学术支撑、经济支撑、规划体系等几个方面阐述了我国现阶段历史碎片面临的问题和原因,并提出可能的对策。

    Problems and reasons in current China are stated from differentaspects : conception , academic support , economic support and planning system .

  14. 如何在更广阔的宏观视角下建立金融监管体系已经成为当前学术界、经济金融界共同关注的焦点。

    How to construct the financial regulatory system in a broader macroeconomic perspective has become the spotlight of academia and economy and financial sector .

  15. 学术界对经济增长之谜的探究导致了人力资本理论的产生,其后对人力资本投资的研究如火如荼地发展起来。

    Human capital theory was created due to researches on the reasons of economic growth , and then the researches on human capital investment have gained more and more attentions .

  16. 随着近代民事权利研究日益细密化的发展趋势,现代经济生活的发展,新的交易类型不断出现期待权的研究的学术价值和经济价值日益突显。

    With the development of modern civil right research tend to more thoroughly , the development of modern economic , the new transaction type unceasingly appears , which make the academic and economic value of expecting research rights prominent day by day .

  17. 而风险、脆弱性、恢复力和适应性相关的灾害综合管理和减灾防灾战略作为实施可持续发展的重要途径,已被学术界、经济界与社会界予以高度重视。

    The risk , vulnerability , resilience and adaptability on relating to the disaster management and disaster prevention , as an important way of implementing sustainable development strategics , have been attached great importance by the academic , economic and social circles .

  18. 在对经济增长与金融发展概念进行统一界定的基础上,概述了学术界关于经济增长与金融发展关系的几种理论观点,并进行了相关的国内外研究综述。

    On the basis of the economic growth and financial development concept unity . Summarizing the academic researches on economic growth and financial development relationship of several theoretical viewpoints , and some research on the home and abroad are reviewed in the paper .

  19. 目前学术界从经济、政治、社会、文化等各方面对东北地区进行深入的调查与实证性研究,提出了宝贵意见,但真正立足于政府管理体制视角全面研究东北振兴问题的并不多见。

    Although a lot of domestic scholars have made thorough investigations and practical researches on the Northeast of China from economics , politics , society , culture and other angles , researches based on the angle of the government regulation system are still very lack .

  20. 学术界也好,经济界也好,都还有教条主义。

    It still exists in academic circles and in economic circles too .

  21. 不规范的学术批评损害了经济法学术共同体的建立;

    The nonstandard academic criticism damages the establishment of the academic community of economic law .

  22. 国内学术界也从经济、政治和文化等各个领域出发,对本土化的社会资本及其理论作了一些探讨性的研究,并取得了丰硕的成果。

    Domestic academies made some exploratory research on social capital theory of localization , and have achieved fruitful results .

  23. 然而,当前学术界在区域经济与社会发展的惯性认识上存在着误区。

    However , there are many mistaken ideas in current academic circles on the regional economy and social development .

  24. 这种乐观观点信奉的是如今主导学术界的真实经济周期理论。

    This optimistic view is steeped in the real business cycle theory , which is nowadays the dominant academic one .

  25. 针对这一现象,目前学术界对区域经济竞争力的研究大多从宏观角度展开研究,并且已取得了很多结论;

    This evolution has attracted extensive academic investigations into regional economy competitiveness in macro-economy views and many different conclusions have been induced .

  26. 经济类学术期刊论文和经济类大众读物中模糊限制机制的对比研究我国畜牧兽医类专业期刊分类的建议

    Hedging in Scholarly Journal Articles and Popular Magazine Articles on Business and Economics : A Comparative Study ; Classification on Chinese Animal and Veterinary Periodicals

  27. 学术界关于韩国经济成功秘密的探索,在一个基本点上达成了共识&韩国坚持并成功地推进了外向型经济模式。

    Academic community has reached an agreement on the success secrets of South Korea economy , that is South Korea has insisted carried out outward-looking economy .

  28. 学院经济学家所主要从事的经济理论研究大致上可以分成学术问题导向的经济理论研究、现实经济问题导向的经济理论研究和跨学科问题导向的经济理论研究三种类型。

    The economic theory researched by the academic economists are pursuing mainly falls into three types : academic issues-oriented , economic realistic issues-oriented and interdisciplinary issues-oriented .

  29. 深入研究因事故泄漏所引发的可燃气云爆炸威力及其相应的规律,是创立抑制和预防此类工业灾害技术的理论基础,具有重要的学术价值和社会经济价值。

    Investigation into its explosive power and corresponding regulations is the theoretical basis for explosion suppression and prevention technologies and is of important academic and economical value .

  30. 西方学术界主要从经济发展战略的工业化偏好理论和政治结构的非均衡性两个角度做出解释。

    The western academic circles give two reasons for explaining it , which are the theories of industrialization hobby in economic development strategy and the non-equilibrium of political structure .