
  • 网络guesswork
  1. 而且在实际操作中发现ERP中生产物流数据常常无法准确获取,而计划人员常常拍脑袋估计参数的大小,设定错误或不准确的数据,而造成了企业运行时的损失。

    In addition , the production logistics data are often unable to accurately obtain with ERP in practice , and even worse people often estimate the parameter with patting their heads . This inaccurate or wrong data set by people may result in the loss of companies during runtime .

  2. 巨人一拍脑袋,似乎想到了一个好主意。

    Giant : Oh , I have a good idea .

  3. 通过严格缜密的财务评价分析,而不是领导拍脑袋,企业并购的价值确定更符合市场经济的规律。

    The merger value can be decided more agree with the market economy law through strict careful analysis .

  4. 和他相比,我能一边拍脑袋一边摸肚子就觉得很不错了。

    By comparison , I 'm lucky if I can pat my head and rub my tummy in tandem .

  5. 还是那一点,核心任务不应该完全由你一个人拍脑袋确定,而应从于整个团队的讨论中产生。

    Again , this shouldn 't spring entirely from your brain but should emerge from a discussion with the entire team .

  6. 企业管理者仅凭个人爱好和拍脑袋式的决策进行的外包业务,从一开始就注定是失败的。

    That the outsourcing business is based only on individual hobby and experience of managers is to fail as soon as beginning .

  7. 其勇于自责的行为令人钦佩,但让人遗憾的是:此举终究属于“拍脑袋”范畴,而不是依照相关规则作出的。

    Their brave acts of self-blame , however admirable , it is regrettable : it ultimately belongs to the " chest thumping " areas , and not in accordance with the relevant rules .

  8. 本文从行为金融学角度对我国上市公司经理人在目标资本结构确定过程中可能采行的三种行为模式(羊群行为、追随领头人行为和拍脑袋行为)进行了分析。

    S : This paper investigates three possible behaviors ( herding , following the leader and patting head ) which the managers may adopt in deciding the target capital structure from the viewpoint of behavioral finance .

  9. 但建筑业作为劳动密集型产业,普遍存在粗放经营,领导拍脑袋决策造成重大损失的事情常发生,因此建筑领域企业更需要科学管理。

    As a labor-intensive industry , the prevalence of extensive management , leadership racking our brains decision-making in construction industry usually caused a significant loss of things , therefore the construction sector enterprises need more scientific management .

  10. 在各学科知识体系飞速发展、计算机广泛应用的今天,过去那种拍脑袋、凭感觉的做法已不适于工程结构设计方案的决策。

    Fly to develop soon in each course knowledge system , calculator extensive applied today , pass by that kind of clap the head , with felling of way of doing is is already unwell in the decision that the engineering structure design the project .

  11. 就拿板砖拍她脑袋

    you smack her in the head with that brick .

  12. 而我用板砖拍他脑袋上的时候他还以为我是闹着玩呢

    And he didn 't think I was playing when I smacked him in the head with that brick .

  13. 有时候,生活会拎起一块板儿砖拍你的脑袋。

    Sometimes life is going to hits you in the head with a brick .

  14. 有时,生活会拿起一块砖头猛拍你的脑袋,但不要失去信心。

    Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick . Don 't lose faith .

  15. 或者是一边拍肚子一边摸脑袋。

    Or is it pat my tummy and rub my head ?

  16. 接下来一个星期一的早晨,我们拍了拍他的脑袋,又把他送走了,结果证明这却是最后一次。

    Then one Monday morning we patted his head and let him out for what turned out to be the last time .

  17. (补充一句,如果一句话用我听说你这样的语句来开头的话,听上去就好像上级拍着下级的脑袋在讲话一样。)

    ( Plus beginning a sentence with something like , I hear you is like a condescending pat on the head . )

  18. 萨利轻轻地拍了拍我的脑袋。

    Sally cuffed my head lightly .

  19. 他给了他们每人一枚六便士铜钱,拍了拍他们的脑袋。他们必恭必敬挥着帽子,行着军礼,走了。

    He gave them sixpence apiece and a pat on the head , and they went off with much respectful swinging of caps and touching of forelocks .