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pāi bǎn
  • clappers;beat time with clappers;have the final-say;give the final verdict;rap the gavel
拍板 [pāi bǎn]
  • (1) [beat time with clappers]∶打拍子

  • 自己唱,自己拍板

  • (2) [have the finalsay;give the final verdict]∶旧时商行拍卖货物成交时用拍打木板来表示

  • (3) [rap the gavel]∶比喻主事的人作出某种决定

  • 不能任何事都等上级拍板

  • (4) 打击乐器,用来打拍子,用几片木板做成。也叫鼓板。

  • 前面一个十八九岁的妇人,背后一个五六十岁的老儿,手里拿串拍板,都来到面前。--《水浒传》

拍板[pāi bǎn]
  1. 许多农民用拍板来吓走吃庄稼的鸟。

    Many farmers use clappers to stop birds eating the crops .

  2. 拍板或响板是由两片或更多的木头片或其他可以合击的材料制成。

    Clappers or castanets are a toy made of two or more piece of wood or other material which is driven together .

  3. 他不怕拍板,从不作骑墙派。

    He 's not afraid of making decisions and is a man who never sits on the fence .

  4. 这事儿得由厂长来拍板。

    The factory director has the final say in this matter .

  5. 你来唱,我来拍板。

    I 'll beat time while you sing .

  6. 负责工厂运营的海宇(HelenHai,见上图)对结果相当满意,以至于她拍板建造一条新的注塑鞋生产线。今年36岁的海宇是一名在英国受过教育的精算师。

    Helen Hai , a 36-year old British-trained actuary who runs the factory , is sufficiently impressed with the outcome that she is starting a new line of injection-moulded shoes .

  7. 他是最后拍板的人。

    It 's he who will give the final decision .

  8. 女人在任何辩论过程中,都要最后的拍板权。

    A woman has the last word in any argument .

  9. 我们很想把这个问题在会上当场拍板解决。

    We would prefer the problem settled at the meeting .

  10. 从管理科学上看,决策就是管理;从领导科学上看,决策就是拍板,作决定;

    From management science aspect , policy making is a managing activity .

  11. 别问我时间表出问题怎么办,他才是最后拍板的人。

    Don 't ask me what to do about the scheduling problem .

  12. 首席执行官或团队领导应该有强势的最后拍板权。

    The CEO or the team leader should have strong and ultimate authority .

  13. 他当场拍板下决定。

    He made the decision on the spot .

  14. 它的演唱方式为一人表演到底,其伴奏乐器主要是打击乐器,如锣鼓、拍板、方响等。

    Percussion instrument is the main accompany instrument .

  15. 在我们拍板定案前?

    Before we decide your sentence ?

  16. 有一些事情需要决定,而你是唯一能拍板的人。

    There are decisions to be made and you are the only person who can make them .

  17. 但是这部戏的第三季已经拍板了,她怎么能被允许死掉呢?

    But with a third series of the show commissioned , should she have been allowed to die ?

  18. 布什政府对美国汽车公司的援助方案即将最后拍板。

    The administration is near a decision on what kind of government assistance to provided U.S. car companies .

  19. 熟悉杰克逊家庭情况的人说,葬礼的安排由杰克逊的母亲最终拍板。

    People close to the singer 's family said Katherine Jackson would have final say over funeral arrangements .

  20. 原因就在于,提问题的中国高管不太可能是最终拍板的人。

    The reason is that the Chinese executive who is asking is unlikely to be the one making the decisions .

  21. 去年意大利的政治人士和工人们出于同样的原因普遍欢迎任建新拍板收购倍耐力。

    Last year , Italian politicians and workers broadly welcomed Mr Ren 's purchase of Pirelli for the same reason .

  22. 当威尼斯这个构思拍板后,萧尔登先生首先聘用了善于主题营造的建筑师,然后是精于赌场设计的建筑师。

    To do the Venetian first Sheldon Adelson hired architects specialized in themes , and then hire architects specialized in casinos .

  23. 非常好。这样我就有时间在拍板前和我的人商量一下。

    B : Great . That will give me time to talk with my staff before I make a final decision .

  24. 在变形的实施例中可在拍板上变换孔的位置或多设孔。

    The positions of the holes can be converted or more holes are arranged on a racket board in an anamorphic embodiment .

  25. 夏绿蒂知道,她如果想和崔拍板定案就必须先过邦妮这一关。

    Charlotte realized , if she wanted toclose the dealwith Trey , she 'd have to close the deal with Bunny first .

  26. 例:这事情还是得董事长拍板,我们还没有这个权利。

    Ex. : chairman of the board of directors has the final say in this matter . we 're not entitled to decide .

  27. 这是一个伟大的几周美国网球、庞大的道具和布莱恩兄弟瑟琳娜拍板称号。

    It was a great few weeks for American tennis , huge props to the Bryan Bros and Serena for clinching the titles .

  28. 在拍板上有手指支撑孔,供手指伸入支撑固定用。

    Finger support holes are arranged on the bat board , which can be used for the fingers for extending , supporting and fixing .

  29. 据估计「中国金融界」本月底前拍板上市,最快下月可以在纳市挂牌。

    It is expected that China Finance Online will be made its IPO by the end of this month and listed on NASDAQ next month .

  30. 领导德国十年的那个谨慎、“步步为营”的总理不见了,取而代之的是一位信念坚定、敢于拍板的政治人物。

    The cautious , " step-by-step " chancellor who had led Germany for a decade was gone , replaced by a politician with bold convictions .