首页 / 词典 / good

  • clap;pat;beat;slap
  • bat;racket;beat;time
  • 用手掌打:~击。~掌。~抚。~案叫绝。

  • 浪涛冲击:~岸。

  • 拍打东西的用具:~子(亦是计算乐音长短的单位)。

  • 乐曲的节奏:~节。

  • 摄影:~摄。~照。~片子。

  • 发出:~发。~电报。

  • 阿谀,巴结:~马屁。吹吹~~。


(用手或工具轻轻地打) clap; pat; beat; slap:

  • 拍掉身上的土

    pat one's clothes to get the dust off;

  • 拍球

    bounce a ball;

  • 拍手

    clap one's hands;

  • 拍桌子大骂

    strike the table and pour out a stream of abuse;

  • 他轻轻地在我背上拍了一下。

    He patted me gently on the back.

  • 她用报纸拍虫子。

    She flapped a newspaper at the insect.


(挥动翅膀) flap; beat:

  • 拍翅膀

    flap[beat] wings;

  • 那只鸟拍着翅膀慢慢地飞走了。

    The bird flapped slowly off.

  • 这只鸟迅速拍动双翅,继续飞行。

    The bird beat its wings rapidly as it flew on.


(浪涛冲击) lash; beat; lap:

  • 惊涛拍岸

    mighty waves beating the shore;

  • 波浪轻拍海滩。

    Waves lapped on the beach.


(发电报等) send (a telegram, etc.):

  • 拍电报

    send a telegram


(拍摄) take (a picture); shoot:

  • 拍电影

    shoot [make] a film;

  • 拍照

    take a photo [picture];

  • 这部小说已拍成电影了。

    This novel has been made into a film.

  • 这部影片是在大连拍的。

    This film was shot in Dalian.


[口] (拍马屁) flatter; fawn on:

  • 能吹会拍

    be good at boasting and toadying;

  • 拍马

    lick sb.'s boots; flatter


(拍东西的用具) bat; racket:

  • 苍蝇拍儿


  • 乒乓球拍

    ping-pong bat; table-tennis bat;

  • 网球拍

    tennis racket


{音} (节奏; 拍子) beat; time:

  • 合[不合]拍

    on [off] the beats;

  • 一小节四拍

    four beats in [to] a bar;

  • 他的演唱与音乐不合拍。

    His singing was out of time with music.

  • 这歌是几拍的?—是4/4拍的。

    What time is the song in? -- It's in four-four time.

  1. 一个巴掌拍不响。

    One hand alone can 't clap -- it takes two to make a quarrel .

  2. 这是Ruby最喜欢的舞蹈动作,像这样:“拍,拍,踏,踏,拍,拍,跳”。

    This is Ruby 's favorite dance move , it goes , " Clap , clap , stomp , stomp clap , clap and jump . "

  3. 用铁锹背面把土拍平。

    Press the soil flat with the back of a spade .

  4. 这卷胶卷还有三张没拍。

    There are three exposures left on this roll of film .

  5. 他正忙于准备已经承诺的下个月拍电影的事。

    He 's busy for the next month with filming commitments .

  6. 他觉得有人轻轻拍他的肩膀便转过身来。

    He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned round .

  7. 我们仅拍摄了两个镜头就把这部分戏拍好了。

    We managed to get it right in just two takes .

  8. 她宣布挂拍告退的消息引起了网球迷的震惊。

    The announcement of her retirement caused consternation among tennis fans .

  9. 我给参加聚会的人拍了几张精彩的照片。

    I got some good shots of people at the party .

  10. 他往前够了够身子,让护士把枕头拍松了。

    He leaned forward while the nurse plumped up his pillows .

  11. 这次演出在纽约现场拍了影片。

    The show was filmed on location in New York .

  12. 她曾反对给自己拍穿比基尼泳装的照片。

    She had objected to a photo showing her in a bikini .

  13. 几台暗藏的摄像机把院子里的每一个角落都拍了进去。

    Concealed video cameras scan every part of the compound .

  14. 她啪地一拍桌子。

    She smacked her hand down on to the table .

  15. 他为几位倾世佳丽拍过照片。

    He has photographed some of the world 's most beautiful women .

  16. 我试着给他拍一张在水中的照片。

    I tried to get a shot of him in the water .

  17. 由于导演指导有方,影片拍得非常成功。

    There is some clever direction and the film is very well shot .

  18. 她拒绝拍裸体照片。

    She refuses to be photographed in the nude .

  19. 她正在拍掉地毯上的灰尘。

    She was beating dust out of the carpet .

  20. 她感到有人在她肩上轻轻地拍了一下。

    She felt a light tap on her shoulder .

  21. 她拍了一部描写收养儿童的电视系列片。

    She produced a TV series about adopted children .

  22. “祝贺你!”他拍着我的背说。

    ' Congratulations ! ' he said , slapping me on the back .

  23. 我来把你的枕头拍松。

    Let me fluff up your pillows for you .

  24. 有的演员从来不看自己拍的戏。

    Some actors never watch themselves on screen .

  25. 她轻轻地拍着狗的头。

    She patted the dog on the head .

  26. 梅尔站起来拍掉了身上的尘土。

    Mel stood up and dusted herself down .

  27. 他温情地拍了拍她的膝盖。

    He gave her knee an affectionate pat .

  28. 代表们摆好姿势准备拍集体照。

    The delegates posed for a group photograph .

  29. 我们拍了一些这个城市的照片。

    We took some photos of the city .

  30. 我来给你拍个照。

    I 'll take a photo of you .