
  • 网络Auction proceeds;auction revenue
  1. 通过在价格投标中增加需要安置的职工人数约束,该机制使国企产权的卖方能够很好地兼顾最大化国企产权的拍卖收益和妥善安置原国企职工的双重目标。

    By adding that the new owner of the selling enterprise is required to accommodate a certain quantity of former SOE employees , the mechanism can help to realize the dual-objective of maximizing SOE auction revenue and minimizing induced unemployment .

  2. 苏富比说,拍卖收益将被用于支付遗产税,填充陶布曼私人基金会的金库。该基金会已经是密歇根大学(UniversityofMichigan)等机构的主要捐助者。

    Sotheby 's said the proceeds from the sales will be used to settle estate taxes and to fund Mr. Taubman 's private foundation , filling the coffers of an organization that is already a major donor to the University of Michigan and other institutions .

  3. 最后,展望了拍卖收益等价问题的新的发展方向。

    Finally , new developments of revenue equivalence of auctions are reviewed and prospected .

  4. 西班牙10年期国债的拍卖收益率攀升至4%以上,比德国国债高出137个基点。

    Spanish 10-year bond yields have climbed above 4 per cent at auction and are 137 basis points above bunds .

  5. 指出不同的信息结构设定是影响不同假设下拍卖收益等价性和不同假设拍卖模型对经济现象解释能力的关键因素。

    It is concluded that different informational environment settings are crucial to the different results of revenue equivalence of auction forms and lead to different explanation abilities of auction models under different assumptions .

  6. 这件雕塑被置于木质的底座上并被玻璃罩封住。它将于下月在网上被拍卖,收益将捐赠给致力于婴儿健康事业的MarchOfDimes慈善会。

    The sculpture , which sits on a wooden mounting with a glass casing , is to be sold on eBay next month with proceeds from the sale going to infant health charity March Of Dimes .

  7. 据艺术品追回组织的负责人克里斯托弗·A·马里内洛(ChristopherA.Marinello)说,周二,各方同意和解,他们将收回画作,共享未来拍卖的收益。

    On Tuesday , the parties agreed to a settlement in which they will receive the painting back and will divide any proceeds from an intended future sale , according to Christopher A. Marinello , head of the Art Recovery Group .

  8. 两类拍卖的收益等价性和均衡投标价格排序

    Revenue Equivalence and Equilibrium Bidding Rank of Two Kinds of Auctions

  9. 四类拍卖的收益等价性研究

    Research of Revenue Equivalence of Four Kinds of Auctions

  10. 在基准模型下,两种拍卖的收益等价。

    Under the datum model , the income of two kinds of auctions is equal .

  11. 对估价为均匀分布的拍卖预期收益进行了研究。

    In addition , the expected revenue is studied if the valuation is drawn from the uniform distribution .

  12. 在职工安置的例子中,政府应该在职工安置问题上表现得非常强硬,直到重视职工安置给政府带来的收益完全被拍卖资本收益减少造成的损失抵消为止。

    In the example of employees ' accommodation , the government should appear strong to the labor settlement until the benefit by stressing on it is offset by the loss caused by the reduction in auction revenue .

  13. 在独立私有估价模型下设置相同的一口价时,三种一口价拍卖方式的收益如何?通过数值比对,得出结论:临时一口价的收益最大,持久一口价次之,固定一口价最小。

    How will the profit in the three different auctions with buyout price under the independent private model ? After the numerical analysis we conclude : the profit of temporary buyout price is the biggest , permanent buyout price second , and the final is the fixed buyout price .

  14. 据报道,这是德国国债拍卖首次出现负收益率。

    This is reportedly the first time yields turned negative at a German debt auction .

  15. 早期的经济学家猜想这四种标准拍卖方式的预期收益可能是有所区别的。

    Early economists conjectured that expected prices generated by different types of auctions might differ from each other .

  16. 最典型的是一个3年的租约,一辆汽车在租期结束后回到制造商手中进行处置,一般情况下通过拍卖还可以取得收益。

    Typically , at the end of a three-year lease , a vehicle is returned to the manufacturer which then disposes of it , usually profitably , at auction .

  17. 他在私有价值、类型独立、对称性以及风险中性的假定条件下证明了四种标准的拍卖方式是等收益的。

    Based on the assumptions of private value , type of independent , symmetry and the risk neutral , he proved that the four standard auctions had the same revenues .

  18. 中国已开始通过减少货币刺激来抵消这些压力,主要措施包括:在最近几次拍卖中提高央票收益率,宣布将商业银行的存款准备金率调高50个基点。

    The country has already started reducing monetary stimulus to offset these pressures by raising bill yields at recent auctions and announcing a 50 basis-point increase in the reserve requirements for commercial banks .

  19. 拍卖模型以FTR拍卖收益最大为目标,同时考虑正常情况和N-1情况下的稳定约束。

    The objective of the auction model is to maximize the revenue of FTR auction . The model considers the stability constraints of both normal condition and N-1 condition simultaneously .

  20. 研究发现对那些不可分的公用事业项目,适合采用第一价格拍卖和英式拍卖,在基准模型下,这两种拍卖收益是相同的。

    The research discovered that to these not separable public utilities project , it is suitable to use the first price auction and the English auction , under the standard model , the income of these two kinds of auction is the same .

  21. 在网上拍卖的实践中,拍卖机制的好坏将直接影响网上拍卖物品的有效分配,进而影响拍卖商和拍卖网站的收益,最终影响顾客的购买行为。

    In the practice of online auctions , the character of auction mechanisms will directly affect the efficiency of online auction items ' allocation , which then makes influence on the revenues of the sellers and auction websites , and determines the customers ' purchase behavior eventually .

  22. 实验结果表明,在考虑资源保留价的多单位组合拍卖中,拍卖Agent能够利用MUCARP算法在一定问题规模内快速地找到胜者确定问题的最优解,并使得拍卖Agent利润收益得到提升。

    Experiments have been conducted . The experimental results show that auctioneer agent can find the optimal solution efficiently and can improve profit income with our algorithm in the multi-unit combinatorial auctions with reserve prices for limited problem scales .