
  • 网络Enterprise expansion;Business Expansion;business expanding
  1. 西方企业扩张理论及其发展

    Western Theories of Business Expansion and Its Development

  2. 跨国并购作为企业扩张的重要方式与途径,已成为当今世界较显著的一种商业活动。

    Cross-border M & A , as an important way to business expansion , has become significant economic phenomenon .

  3. 该公司生产总监理查德贝恩(richardbain)说,在企业扩张期间逐步引入机器人,成功实现了在不裁员的情况下产能翻番。

    Production director Richard Bain says that introducing the robots gradually during a period of expansion allowed it to do this without putting staff out of work .

  4. 区域化是建立在市场、互补性、资源整合,乃至形成相对完整的价值链的基础上的,表现为市场范围的不断扩大,这是要素流动、企业扩张的必然结果。

    It shows as the constant enlargement of the market range .

  5. 纵观世界企业扩张的历史,企业成功扩张的一个根本前提就是企业的创新力。

    A basic premise of enterprise successful expanding is innovative competence .

  6. 扩张发展历程回顾与当前企业扩张新特征

    Evolvement of expansion and the new traits of enterprise expansion

  7. 并购是企业扩张与增长的一种方式。

    MA is a kind of method by which an enterprise expansion quickly .

  8. 对中国国有企业扩张的担忧也对其他中国公司造成了伤害。

    Concern about the expansion of China Inc has hurt other Chinese companies .

  9. 连锁零售企业扩张中的商圈分析

    Trading Area of the Expansion of Chain Retailed Enterprises

  10. 全球经济一体化背景下我国企业扩张战略研究

    A Study on Enterprise Expansion Strategy of China in the Integration of Global Economy

  11. 企业扩张的网络经济效应

    Effects of network economy of enterprise 's expansion

  12. 企业扩张的复杂性来源与复杂性特征分析

    Source and Characteristic Analysis of Enterprise Expansion Complexity

  13. 管理者过度自信、企业扩张与财务困境

    Managerial Overconfidence , Firm Expansion and Financial Distress

  14. 特许经营是当今世界上最为流行的企业扩张和个人创业途径之一。

    Franchise is one of the most popular ways to expand and start undertakings .

  15. 我们应该帮助小型企业扩张。

    We should assist small enterprise expansion .

  16. 企业扩张中的可持续发展战略研究

    The Sustainable Development Strategy in Corporate Enlargement

  17. 近年来,网络组织逐渐成为企业扩张行动范围时所采用的主要组织结构形式。

    In recent years , network became popular structure when firms massively expanded their activities .

  18. 论企业扩张中的传导机制

    Conduction Mechanism of the Enterprise Expansion

  19. 走向世界是中国企业扩张的唯一途径,他表示。

    To go global is the only way for Chinese companies to expand , he said .

  20. 企业扩张总要面临着各种风险,特别是财务风险,本文称这一状态下的财务风险为扩张性财务风险。

    When expanding , an enterprise is facing various kinds of risks , especially financial risk .

  21. 层次分析法和模糊综合法在高新企业扩张模式选择中的应用

    The Application of Level Analytic Approach and Fuzzy Comprehensive Assessment in Expansion of New High-Tech Enterprises

  22. 从中得出建立战略联盟是我国机车制造企业扩张的另一重要战略。

    Drawn from cross-border M & A is an important strategic expansion of the locomotive manufacturing enterprises .

  23. 十年前中国喊出“走出去”的口号来鼓励它的企业扩张。

    A decade ago China urged its companies to expand under the slogan " go out " .

  24. 本文从中国企业扩张的现状分析入手,对中国企业扩张面临的主要问题进行深入研究,并提出相应的政策建议。

    This paper analyses the status and the main problems of Chinese enterprises expansion and offers some proposals .

  25. 与美国企业扩张等内部组织方式相比,它可节约固有的组织成本。

    Comparing with inner organization mode of American firms extending , the trading mode could saving inherent organizing cost .

  26. 企业扩张过程中的组织学习是提升能力的基本推动器。

    The organization learning in the process of enterprise expansion is the basic impetus to improve the learning capability .

  27. 在世界范围内,兼并一直是企业扩张的重要方式,西方国家曾经经历了五次兼并浪潮。

    Western countries have undergone five times of transnational annexation , which has been a major pattern for company expansion .

  28. 企业扩张方式演化及其发展趋势

    Evolvement of the Way of the Enterprise Expansion and the New Trend of the Way Enterprises Choice for their Expansions

  29. 企业扩张是企业成长与发展的必然逻辑,这是由企业的性质决定的,企业成长、发展的过程也就是企业扩张的过程。

    Enterprise expansion is necessary logic of enterprise development , the process of enterprise development is the process of enterprise expansion .

  30. 企业扩张方式与企业短期成长速度关系的实证研究&以资源闲置作为调节变量

    Empirical Research on Relationship between Expansion Patterns of Firms and Firms ' Rate of Short-term Growth & Resource Slack as Moderating Variable