
qǐ yè jì shù kāi fā nénɡ lì
  • technical development capacity of enterprise
  1. 企业技术开发能力评价

    Evaluation for enterprise 's capability of research and development

  2. 本文阐述了企业技术开发能力的概念,提出了12项评价指标,建立了单项分析和综合分析的方法体系。

    In this paper , the concept of enterprise 's capability of research and development is introduced , 12 targets for evaluation have been suggested , and a methodology of single analysis and synthetical analysis has been established .

  3. 加强企业的技术开发能力建设。

    Strengthening the Constructure of the Enterprises'Technical Development Ability .

  4. 总体而言,我国纺织服装企业技术含量低、开发能力弱,不能适应市场需求。

    In sum , our costume industry can not adapt the market 's demand for its low technology and weak capability .

  5. 即中国钢铁产业集中度受到期初集中度、市场容量增长率、企业进入率、技术开发能力的影响。

    Be Chinese iron and steel estate all together degree accepts the beginning of the period all together degree , market capacity growth rate , enterprise turn into rate , technological development ability effect .

  6. 接着将实物期权的定价方法应用到企业通过技术开发使技术能力得到成长的投资决策中,主要包括识别期权、选择定价模型、根据计算结果做出决策。

    Thirdly , this paper applies real options pricing models to technology researching a typical path of the development of technological capability , including identifying real options , selecting pricing models , making decisions from the results .

  7. 为了加快茶叶技术创新,福建茶叶必须采取积极的对策:一、提高茶叶企业的技术创新能力,重点是提高企业技术研究开发能力、提高员工的创新能力、提高市场开拓能力和提高合作创新能力;

    The detailed policies and measures including : First is to improve the enterprise 's capacity of technological innovation , the key is to improve R & D capacity , lo increase creativity of employee , to exploit new market and to cooperate in innovation .