
  1. 地方政府作为利益主体、经济主体、管理主体是我国区际贸易技术性壁垒产生的主要原因。

    The paper points out that local governments , which serve as the principal part of interests , economy , and administration , mainly contribute to technical barriers to interregional trade in China .

  2. 本文先从经济环境、管理主体和客体之间的矛盾、管理活动自身的矛盾、文化价值的选择等方面分析西方管理理论产生和发展的原因。

    The emergence and development of the western management theory are analyzed in this article from many perspectives , such as the economic environment , the contradictory between management subject and object , the contradictory existed in management activities , the culture value selection , etc.

  3. 现代政策必须适应经济全球化、社会管理主体多元化、新科技革命、复杂化和不确定性的新要求。现代政策机构表现出目标增多、公开性提高及联系更加广泛等新特点。

    The contemporary policy must adapt to the economic globalization , diversification of main part of social administration , new technology revolution , and new requirement of complicacy and uncertainty .

  4. 经济法律关系主体即经济法主体,包括经济管理主体和经济活动主体两大类。

    The subject is the subject of economic law containing the subject of economic management and that of economic activity .

  5. 经济法律关系的客体只能是行为,它可以分为经济活动主体所从事的基本经济行为与经济管理主体所从事的经济管理行为两大类。

    The object can only be behavior , which can be classified into two categoies : the basic economic behavior conducted by the subject of economic activity , and the behavior of economic management conducted by the subject of economic management .