
  • 网络empirical therapy;Empiric Therapy;empiric treatment;Empirical treatment
  1. 社区获得性肺炎院外经验性治疗的疗效与费用分析

    Cost-effective analysis of empirical therapy of community-acquired pneumonia in out-patients

  2. 应强调病原学检测的重要性,尽可能避免经验性治疗。

    We should emphasize the importance of pathogen detection , and as far as possible to prevent Empirical therapy .

  3. 联合应用抗生素对中性粒细胞减少期感染的经验性治疗结论:在ICU院内感染流行病学监测指导下,头孢吡肟可作为经验性治疗院内细菌感染的首选抗生素之一。

    Antibiotic Combined Therapy as an Empirical Treatment for Febrile Patients with Neutropenia CONCLUSION : Cefepime is an effective antibacterial agent for nosocomial infection .

  4. 结论常规剂量的氟喹诺酮类抗菌药物不宜单独用于经验性治疗ECO感染,特别是对泌尿道感染的中老年男性患者。

    CONCLUSIONS Routine dosage of fluoroquinolones is not fit for empiric monotherapy for ECO infection , especially for middle-aged and old male patients with urinary tract infection .

  5. 目的调查大肠埃希菌(ECO)临床分离株对环丙沙星耐药率现状,分析其主要影响因素,指导ECO感染的经验性治疗。

    OBJECTIVE To retrospectively investigate the ciprofloxacin-resistance rate of Escherichia coli ( ECO ) and its main impact factors , and then guide empiric therapy for its infection .

  6. 目的回顾分析慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)379株铜绿假单孢菌感染药敏监测资料,为临床经验性治疗参考。

    Objective To review and analyze the data of the drug susceptibility of379 strains of pseudomonas aeruginosa in COPD and provide the reference for the clinical treatment of the disease .

  7. 目的:对非典型病原体与细菌感染所致社区获得性肺炎(CAP)的治疗进行分析,以指导经验性治疗CAP的抗生素选择。

    Objective : To analyze the therapeutic efficacy of community acquired pneumonia ( CAP ) caused by atypical pathogens and bacteria , in order to guide the experimental therapeutic choice of antibiotics for CAP .

  8. 经验性治疗患者伊曲康唑静脉给药。

    For the empirical treatment patients , only intravenous itraconazole was given .

  9. 结论头孢米诺经验性治疗细菌性肝脓肿,其疗效确切、安全。

    CONCLUSIONS Cefminox is an effective antibiotic in treating bacterial liver abscess .

  10. 经验性治疗却仅有25%的抗生素对真正的致病菌有效;

    Only 25 % of empiric therapy was appropriate .

  11. 经验性治疗腹膜透析患者相关性腹膜炎的重新评估

    A Reevaluation of Empiric Therapy for Peritoneal Dialysis-Related Peritonitis

  12. 80例下呼吸道感染经验性治疗临床分析

    Clinical analysis on experimental treatment to 80 cases with infection in lower respiratory tract

  13. 阿米卡星与利福霉素钠注射液联合作为经验性治疗院外细菌性肺部感染首选方案的临床研究

    Amikacin associated with rifamycin as the first-choice empirical treatment of community acquired bacterial lung infection

  14. 头孢呋辛经验性治疗社区获得性肺炎:是否存在“代沟”?

    Cefuroxime for empiric treatment of community-acquired pneumococcal pneumonia : is there a generation gap ?

  15. 重症监护病房肺部侵袭性真菌感染的早期经验性治疗1例报告

    A case report of earlier empirical antifungal therapy to pulmonary invasive fungous infection in ICU

  16. 2种用药方案经验性治疗中性粒细胞缺乏伴发热的最小成本分析

    Cost-minimization Analysis of 2 Therapeutic Schemes in the Empirical Treatment for Patients with Neutropenia and Fever

  17. 目的观察急性白血病病人联合化疗后粒细胞缺乏发热时抗生素经验性治疗的疗效。

    Objective To observe the curative effect of experiential treatments to the infection after chemotherapy in acute leukemias .

  18. 结论经验性治疗洋葱伯克霍尔德菌感染应根据其具体流行程度和耐药性特点给药。

    Conclusion : Empiric therapy for B.cepacia infection should base on its epidemiological extend and its resistance profile .

  19. 一是开始经验性治疗,二是建议患者进行结肠镜检查。

    One is to start empiric therapy , and the other is to refer the patient to colonoscopy .

  20. 医生在经验性治疗和潜在治疗方面也有了越来越多的选择,其中部分具有一定的风险性。

    Doctors also have a growing arsenal of experimental treatments and potential cures , some of which are risky .

  21. 结论化疗后粒细胞缺乏感染抗生素经验性治疗应以抗革兰阴性菌属为主。

    Conclusion The experiential treatment schedules to the infection after chemotherapy in acute leukemias should mainly include antibiotics being against Gram-negative bacilli .

  22. 结论:两药均可作为免疫力低下患者合并感染的经验性治疗。

    Conclusion : The two kinds of medicine can be used empirically in the treatment of hemopathy with infections in patients with low immunity .

  23. 结论:对第3代头孢菌素和酶抑制剂复合制剂耐药的革兰阴性菌重度感染可以应用美罗培南作为经验性治疗。

    Conclusion : Severe gram-negative bacterial infection of drug resistance to the third generation cephalosporin and enzyme inhibitor compound preparation may be treated by meropenem .

  24. 烧伤创面细菌学调查与烧伤感染抗生素经验性治疗的探讨

    Administration of antibiotics in the treatment of infection of burns based on bacteriological surveillance from burn wound and the analysis of bacterial resistance to antibiotics

  25. 腹部外科感染性休克的感染源调查提示抗生素经验性治疗主要应针对G-杆菌和真菌。

    It is suggested that the application of antibiotics should aim at Gram-negative bacteria and fungi according to the investigation of infection source in septic shock .

  26. 结果:对临床有严重基础疾病、疑似侵袭性肺部念珠菌感染的病人应进行经验性治疗。

    Results : Empirical antifungal treatment should be given to the patients who had critical basic diseases and suffered from the possible invasive pulmonary Candida infections .

  27. 结果:68例中,刚入组时经验性治疗病例62例,拟诊6例,治疗中11例转为拟诊病例。疗效评估时,经验性治疗51例,有效45例(88.24%);

    Result : 68 patients were entered in this study , 62 patients received empirical treatment , and 11 of them became suspected infection during the treatment .

  28. 目的:观察佛山市南海区老年社区获得性肺炎病原菌的分布情况,为经验性治疗提供依据。

    Objective : To study the distribution of gerontic community acquired pneumonia pathogens ( CAP ) in Nanhai District of Foshan City , to offer clinical evidence for experiential therapy .

  29. 目的:了解医院感染致病菌菌谱及耐药性动态变化,为临床经验性治疗细菌感染性疾病提供依据。

    AIM : To investigate the dynamic changes in the distribution and resistance of bacilli responsible for the nosocomial infection and to offer a basis for the empirical treatment of bacterial infection .

  30. 方法:采用开放性临床研究,治疗深部真菌感染患者22例。确诊4例、拟诊10例、经验性治疗8例。

    Methods : The open clinical trial was conducted in 22 patients with deep fungal infection , including 4 cases of confirmed , 10 cases of suspected and 8 cases for empiric treatment .