
  • 网络Business Plan;Business Planning
  1. 在中国市场上根据全球策略开展并实施经营规划。

    Develop and execute a business plan based on the global strategy in the Chinese market .

  2. 建筑施工企业经营规划决策模型

    The business plan decision models in the building enterprises

  3. 基于GIS和Database的黑龙江省森工林区森林经营规划探讨

    Discussion on forest management planning based on GIS and Database in Heilongjiang forest industry region

  4. 因此用PMI预测经济走势的变化能有效的指导企业的生产经营规划。

    So with the PMI to predict the change of the economic trends can effectively guide the enterprise production and operation plan .

  5. 森林经营规划软件是基于微软公司所推出的Visualc++6.0平台,利用其MFC类库,并结合线性规划软件Lingo研制而成。

    Forest management planning software is based on Visual C + + 6.0 platform introduced by Microsoft , using its MFC class library , and this software is developed combining with Lingo , which is a linear programming software .

  6. 森林经营规划中优化算法应用研究进展

    Advances in Researching of Applying Optimal Algorithm in Forest Management Planning

  7. 宜昌公益林可持续经营规划体系探讨

    Sustainable Management Programming System of Public Benefit Forest in Yichang

  8. 森林生态系统经营规划决策的研究

    Planning and Decision - making for Forest Ecological System Management

  9. 森林经营规划中的综合轮伐期研究

    Study of the Integrated Rotation in the Forest Management Plan

  10. 森林收获安排是森林经营规划的核心问题之一。

    Forest harvest scheduling is one of the key problems in forest planning .

  11. 石油机械企业生产经营规划决策模型

    The System Model of Production and Management Planning and Decision Making of Petroleum Mechanical Enterpriss

  12. 战略规划与经营规划

    Stratagem Programming and Business Programming

  13. 本研究依据调查分析结果提出对民宿经营规划与后续研究之建议。

    According to the results of this study , this paper proposes suggestions for running and planning B & Bs .

  14. 在现代航空管理,有许多不同的格式为一个成功的,务实的经营规划和航空公司号发射。

    In modern airline management , there are a number of different formats for a successful and practical business planning and airline launch .

  15. 叙述了战略规划与经营规划的含义与关系,指出制订战略规划的重要性。

    This article tells the meanings and the relation of stratagem programming and business programming and points out the importance of stratagem programming making .

  16. 该接口是根据森林经营规划软件对输入数据的要求,以及分析处理后所得结果的显示而进行功能设计的。

    The interface is based on the required input data of forest management layout software , as well as the result of analysis and treatment .

  17. 立地指数是合理造林布局、经营规划设计的前提,它也是林分生长模型中一个重要的因子。合理定位。

    Site index is the precondition of reasonable sylvicultural layout and dealing in designing layout , it is also one important factor of the stand growth model .

  18. 因此,在目前油价暴涨、国内原油紧缺,大量依赖进口的背景下,提高油田的原油采收率日益成为石油企业界经营规划的组成部分。

    Therefore , in the current oil prices , domestic oil shortage , a large number of dependence on imported background , improve oilfield oil recovery increasingly become the oil business part of the business plan .

  19. 全面预算管理是企业对未来经营规划的总体安排,是一项重要的企业内部的管理工具,全面预算管理能有效帮助管理者进行规划、控制和业绩评价,因而成为企业管理的核心内容之一。

    Comprehensive budget management is an overall arrangement of the future planning in the enterprise . It is an important tool inside the company . It can help the administrator to plan , control and appraise the achievement .

  20. 该模型以作业的相关信息为基本元素,既把组织业务流程融化为清晰的作业要素组合观念,又为企业整体价值链竞争战略和经营规划提供关键价值决策变量。

    The model transforms organization ′ s business process into a clear concept of combined activity elements , and it also provides key value decision variables for company ′ s whole value-chain competition strategy and operation planning through the basic information elements of activity .

  21. 他同样认为在经营方阵规划中需要有长期计划。

    He also believes in a long-term approach to business planning .

  22. 浅谈娄底市林业分类经营总体规划

    Humble Opinion to Overall Planning for Forestry Classification Management in Loudi City

  23. 地铁经营规模规划模型探讨

    A Discussion on the Model of Metro Management Scale

  24. 森林经营空间规划软件联机帮助系统制作问题的解决方案

    Solution Scheme for the Making of Online Help System of Forest Management Spatial Planning System

  25. 天山中部林区以林为主多种经营数学规划研究

    A Mathematic Program on Taking Forest as a Key Link and Multiple Management in the Middle Tianshan

  26. 以帮助电网经营企业规划财务战略管理,促进公司快速持续稳健发展。

    In order to help the strategic management of the charged barbed wire net management business enterprise , promote the company develop quickly , continued and steady .

  27. 并提出西安在以历史文化打造城市品牌时,应着重从经营思想规划、塑造品牌城市和经营谋略推进等3个方面入手,推动整个城市的发展。

    The aspects to be focused on when building Xi'an 's city brand with its historical culture are also proposed to promote the development of the whole city .

  28. 可以说,在整体经营发展规划的大方向下,并购已成为中国上市公司的一种常态化资本运作手段,而表现出连贯性与持久性。

    Actually , under the whole development projection for the listed enterprises , M & A has became a normalized capital operating method , which has show consistency and persistency .

  29. 正确的企业经营战略规划,能够充分发挥企业的核心竞争力,在激烈竞争的市场中立于不败之地。

    A correct strategic programming for the company 's development can exert fully the company 's core competition energy so that it can achieve success during the severe competition in market .

  30. 负荷特性的调研和分析作为电力市场分析的一项基础工作,对于电力企业的经营、规划和发展越来越重要。

    As a basic task of electricity market analysis , the survey and analysis of load characteristics has become more and more important to the running , planning and development of power enterprises .