
  • 网络Mobile Wallet;mobile money
  1. 亮相一周后,苹果(Apple)的全新移动钱包在吸引消费者方面展现了美好前景。

    One week after its debut , Apple 's new mobile wallet is showing promise with consumers .

  2. iPhone的移动钱包是否会支持这类交易,目前尚不得而知。

    It 's not clear whether the iPhone 's mobile wallet will enable these kinds of transactions .

  3. 几年前签这些合同的时候,大家都不知道有Applepay,也不知道移动钱包应该是个什么样子,韦伯斯特说。

    When these contracts were signed several years ago , no one knew about Apple Pay , or what mobile wallets were going to look like , Ms. Webster said .

  4. 多年来人们一直希望将手机用作移动钱包,但square表示,该公司并不依赖大型基础设施或复杂的技术。

    The idea of the phone as a mobile wallet has been around for years , but square says it does not rely on heavy infrastructure or complex technology .

  5. 今年10月,Applepay(一种移动钱包应用,让消费者通过手机非接触式支付)上线第一周就有100万人注册。

    A million people signed up to Apple Pay ( a mobile wallet app that lets consumers make contactless payments with their phones ) in its first week of operation in October .

  6. 贝宝(PayPal)的移动钱包方案也没能真正普及起来。

    PayPal 's mobile wallet options have failed to truly catch on as well .

  7. 根据研究公司JavelinStrategy的数据,在多年的努力后,通过移动钱包完成的交易额在去年仅有31亿美元。

    After years of effort , just $ 3.1 billion in purchases came from mobile wallets last year , according to Javelin Strategy , a research firm .

  8. 谷歌(Google)、贝宝(Paypal)等巨头、无线运营商、大型连锁店,以及Square等前途光明的初创公司,在推广移动钱包上都步履维艰。

    Giants like Google , PayPal , wireless carriers , and major retail chains , as well as promising startups like Square , have all struggled to make wallets popular .

  9. 支付宝及其竞争对手微信支付(WeChatPay,隶属于腾讯(Tencent))的大多数用户,在支付时所用的钱都来自于与其移动钱包挂钩的传统银行账户。

    Most users of Alipay , and rival WeChat Pay owned by Tencent , fund their payments by linking their traditional bank accounts to mobile wallet apps .

  10. 这项移动钱包技术将采用NFC,也就是利用无线电来发射数据的近场通信技术(nearfieldcommunications)。该技术已被越来越多的销售终端系统所采用。

    Apple 's mobile wallet will be based on NFC , or near field communications , a technology that uses radio communications to transmit data and that works in a growing number of point-of-sale systems .

  11. 但是它们在开发一种和ApplePay相抗衡的移动钱包应用CurrentC,这种应用会直接和顾客的银行账号或针对具体商户的信用卡绑定。

    But they are working on building a competitor , CurrentC , a mobile wallet app that will connect directly to customers " bank accounts or store-specific credit card .

  12. 而由三大美国手机运营商资助的移动钱包服务Isis同样无功而返,本周这款产品已经改名为Softcard。

    And Isis - a mobile wallet backed by three major American phone carriers , which was renamed Softcard this week - never caught on either .

  13. Paytm让印度的手机用户能够将资金转入一个移动钱包,然后用其支付各种服务,如打车应用优步(Uber)和影院服务BookMyShow。

    Paytm allows Indian phone users to put funds in a mobile wallet , which they can spend on services such as taxi app Uber and cinema service BookMyShow .

  14. 如果真是如此,MCX可能支持了一个错误的移动钱包。

    And if that is the case , MCX may have picked the wrong mobile wallet to back .

  15. 移动钱包:每个使用苹果、Android或诺基亚智能手机的用户都希望手机支付能成为现实。

    Mobile Wallets : If you could use your cell phone as a credit card , would you ? Everyone from Apple and Google to Nokia want to make that a reality and tap into the mobile payments market .

  16. 一个比较好的例子就是:允许人们使用手机来接收和寄送资金的服务。2007年,两家公司Safaricom和Vodafone在肯尼亚启动了M-Pesa移动钱包服务。

    Two companies , Safaricom and Vodafone , launched the M-Pesa mobile money service in Kenya in two thousand seven .

  17. 将推出CurrentC的消息是2012年宣布的,此举的意图是打造一种商家的理想移动钱包。

    First announced in 2012 , CurrentC is an effort by merchants to build their ideal mobile wallet .

  18. o要让消费者信任移动钱包可能需要比较长的时间。

    o Consumers may be slow to trust .

  19. 在消费者看来,比价信息的重要性只是略低于忠诚度计划,也是消费者非常需要的移动钱包功能之一。

    It was only slightly behind loyalty programs as a desired feature for mobile wallets .

  20. o在未来三年内,移动钱包有望实现快速增长。

    o Dramatic three-year increase anticipated .

  21. 今天的所谓“移动钱包”很不幸地成了一个自找麻烦的解决方案。

    Mobile wallets as they are defined today are unfortunately a solution in search of a problem .

  22. 目前移动钱包主要有两种方式:以智能卡的方式和以软件方式。

    At present , mobile wallet exists mainly in two modes : smart card mode and software mode .

  23. 这些公司并非不想要一个能真正吸引消费者的移动钱包。

    It 's not that these companies don 't want a mobile wallet to truly catch on with consumers .

  24. 本以为将如风暴般席卷全球的移动钱包,在过去几年中可谓命途多舛。

    Mobile wallets , which were expected to take the world by storm , have languished in the past few years .

  25. 他们可能更容易相信银行或信用卡处理商推出的移动钱包软件,而不是科技公司或零售企业提供的移动支付功能。

    They 're more likely to consider mobile wallets from banks and credit card processors than from technology companies or retailers .

  26. 尽管苹果此举必然会引起移动钱包市场的震动,但苹果能否成功却远未确定。

    While Apple 's move is certain to shake up the mobile wallet market , the company 's success is far from guaranteed .

  27. 印度央行的解释是:与其他金融服务一样,移动钱包客户需要得到保护。

    The RBI defends its decisions : mobile money customers need protection , it says , just as with any other financial service .

  28. 公司将使用这些资金集中精力进行国际业务拓展,从而确保其技术成为默认“移动钱包”。

    It will use the money to focus on international expansion as it seeks to secure its technology as the default " mobile wallet " .

  29. 迈克尔·约瑟夫:但是,人们现在只是使用它将资金从一个人转移到另一个人,我希望这个产品成为真正的移动钱包和移动皮夹。

    Michael Joseph : But people are just using this to send money from one person to another and I want to see this product become really the true mobile purse or mobile wallet .

  30. 在它们看来,移动钱包是一种帮助零售商更好地了解顾客购物习惯的办法,并且有可能让商户规避信用卡交易中需要缴纳的高额费用。

    They see the mobile wallet as a way to help retailers understand more about their customers ' shopping habits and , potentially , let merchants avoid the high fees they pay when processing credit card transactions .