
  • 网络Mobile Intelligence
  1. 基于XML的移动智能网业务管理系统的设计

    XML Based Mobile Intelligent Network Service Management System

  2. 嵌入式PC在移动智能体行为控制中的应用

    Application of embedded PC in contest robot 's behavior control

  3. 移动智能终端所具有的移动性为移动GIS的发展提供了良好的支持。

    The mobile characteristic of mobile intelligent terminal provides well support for the developing of mobile GIS .

  4. 一个基于CORBA和移动智能体的分布式网管集成框架

    A Distributed Network Management Architecture Based on CORBA and Mobile Agent

  5. 面向QoS的一种移动智能代理实体模型

    Mobile intelligent agent entity model towards QoS guarantee

  6. GPRS移动智能网控制关系的研究与设计

    The Research and Design of Controlling Relation in GPRS Mobile IN

  7. 基于RFID的广义物流中的移动智能终端设计

    Design for the Smart Portable Terminal in Broad-sense Supply Chain Based on RFID

  8. 论文对移动智能网(MIN)的负荷状态检测方法进行了深入研究。

    Some thoroughly research on the basic method for load state detection in MIN is introduced .

  9. 论文通过对现有移动智能网业务管理系统的分析,提出了一种基于XML的移动智能网业务管理系统的方案。

    In this paper , after an analysis of now mobile intelligent network management system , an XML-based ap-proach is put forward .

  10. 基于移动智能网平台实现铁路GPRS数据业务的研究

    The Research on Realizing Railway GPRS Data Service Based on Mobile Intelligent Network

  11. 移动智能网预付费业务中GPRS业务属性的实现方案研究

    Research of Implementation Schemes of GPRS Service Feature of Pre-Paid Service in Mobile Intelligent Network

  12. 基于移动智能体的IDS的研究

    New Research of IDS based on Mobile-Agent

  13. 移动智能网多业务环境下SCP过载控制研究

    On SCP Overload Control of Mobile Intelligent Network in Multi-service Environment

  14. 移动智能网中SCP硬件配置方法的建模与分析

    Modeling and Analysis of SCP Hardware Configuration Method in Mobile Intelligent Network

  15. 基于通用消息的移动智能网SCP的设计

    Mobile Intelligent Network SCP Design Based on General Message

  16. 一种通用的移动智能网SCF排队网络模型

    General Queueing Network Model of SCF in Mobile Intelligent Network

  17. Android系统已经成为全球最流行的移动智能操作系统之一。

    At present , Android has become one of the most popular mobile smartphone operating system in the world .

  18. SCE研究进展及其在移动智能网中的实现

    Progress of SCE and Its Implementation in Mobile Intelligent Network

  19. 移动智能网中SCP的性能测试

    Performance Test of SCP in Mobile Intelligent Network

  20. 在移动智能网中,SCP实现业务控制功能,是整个移动智能网系统的核心。

    SCP providing service control function is the core of whole mobile intelligent network .

  21. 在分析移动智能网SCF(ServiceControlFunction)软件功能模型的基础上,提出了一种通用的SCF排队网络模型。

    Based on the study of service control function ( SCF ) software model in mobile intelligent network , we propose a general queueing network model of SCF .

  22. 本论文以TETRA数字集群移动智能终端的语音功能的开发为中心展开研究。

    The thesis is focused on development of voice function for TETRA trunking smart mobile terminal .

  23. 在此基础上,本文还给出了一个简单的AH二演算的类型系统,使得对移动智能体系统中资源存取限制的形式化推导成为可能,其中的突出之处是引入了可递归类型。

    Then we present a type system of AH π , which make it possible to formally deduce the limitation of resource access in MA systems .

  24. 基于Android平台的移动智能终端迅速发展,以及云计算的越来越普及,云服务正在得到更大的应用。

    The rapid development of mobile intelligent terminal based on the Android platform , and cloud computing is becoming increasingly popular cloud services being larger applications .

  25. 该文提出了一种基于J2EE的模式来设计和实现移动智能网SCP监控平台的新方法。

    In this paper , a new method based on J2EE is presented to design and implement the monitor platform on mobile intelligent network SCP .

  26. 基于USSD协议的移动智能网业务管理平台

    A Management Platform for IN Services Based on USSD Protocol

  27. Android系统自诞生以来,以其开源的策略,得到了广泛的支持,迅速地抢占了移动智能操作系统市场份额的头名。

    Since its Birth , with its open source strategy , Android has won a wide range of support and the first place of mobile intelligent operating system market .

  28. 基于IETM驱动的智能化便携诊断设备一种简单易行的移动智能网容灾备份方案

    Portable Diagnostic Aid Developing Approach Based on IETM-driven A Simple Method of Mobile Intelligent Network Redundancy

  29. 移动智能网建设中,需要对SCP系统的性能进行测试,以保证最终的系统能够符合设计要求。

    It is necessary to have a performance test during the implementation of mobile intelligent network , to ensure the system closed to the design .

  30. WMSN中一种可移动智能节点的实现方式

    A Movable Intelligent Node and its Realization in WMSN