
  • 网络Isl;ISLS
  1. 利用STK对LEO/MEO双层卫星系统的动态拓扑网络中的星间链路长度、星间链路可见性及卫星的覆盖性进行了仿真分析,得出一些有用的结论。

    The LEO / MEO satellite network was simulated , and the ISL length , ISL visibility and satellite coverage of dynamic topology network were analyzed by simulation and some useful conclusions were got .

  2. 分析了星间链路的环境并对捕获跟踪技术进行了分解,重点研究了捕获跟踪系统的关键部分&角度跟踪系统。

    It analyzes the environment of ISL and dissects the A T technology , founds a firm base for further research . The angle tracking system is specially studied , which is the most important part of A T system .

  3. GPS星间链路技术及自主导航算法分析

    GPS Crosslink Technology and Autonomous Navigation Algorithm Analysis

  4. 一种具有异轨星间链路的Walker星座网络拓扑与路由生成方案

    Topology and route production scenario of Walker satellite constellation network with inter-satellite link

  5. 利用STK,采用模拟仿真的方法,分析了中继卫星与用户航天器之间的星间链路特性。

    The characteristics of the inter-satellites links are simulated with STK.

  6. 本文主要任务是针对毫米波星间链路系统的要求,提出一种V波段毫米波功率放大器的设计实施方案,并通过仿真验证该方案切实可行。

    The thesis aimed at the requirement of millimeter ISL , then put forward a complete set of scheme of V-band power amplifier and validated this scheme to be feasibility .

  7. 另外,还对受天线指向误差影响的LEO卫星和MEO卫星的星间链路性能进行了分析。

    Besides , the performance of LEO and MEO ISL affected by the pointing error is analyzed too .

  8. LEO、MEO卫星网络星间链路图两种新表示方法的提出与实现

    Proposition and Implementation on the Two New Representation Methods for LEO , MEO Satellite Network Intersatellite Link Map

  9. 在卫星导航系统体制设计中,引入星间链路、多频导航信号、BOC调制方式等已成为必然趋势。

    In the system designing , the inter-satellite link ( ISL ), multi-frequency signal and Binary Offset Carrier ( BOC ) modulation are introduced in the inevitable trend .

  10. 卫星网络可以通过地面信关站间接连接,也可以通过星间链路(ISL,Inter-Satellite-Links)直接连接。

    The satellite network can be linked indirectly by earth-gate-station ( EGS ) or directly by inter-satellite-links ( ISL ) .

  11. 激光星间链路中天线扫描捕获技术实验室模拟研究

    Experimental Study of Acquisition with Antenna Scanning in Intersatellite Laser Links

  12. 多层卫星通信网络设计及星间链路几何特征分析

    Design of Multilayered Satellite Communication Networks and Geometrical Analysis of ISLs

  13. 各种激光星间链路特点分析

    Analyzing for the Distinguishing Features of a Variety of Laser Intersatellite Links

  14. 卫星星间链路多普勒频移仿真

    The Simulation of Doppler Shift in Inter - satellite Links

  15. 中继卫星与用户航天器之间星间链路的研究

    Research on inter-satellites links between relay satellites and user spacecrafts

  16. 多层卫星网络的星间链路分析与路由协议

    ISL Analysis and Routing Protocol Study for Multiple Satellite Network

  17. 卫星网络中永久星间链路的设计方法研究

    Research on design of permanent inter-satellite-links in satellite networks

  18. 激光星间链路中振动补偿技术研究

    Study of Vibration Compensation Technology in Intersatellite Laser Links

  19. 一种基于链路稳定性模型的LEO/MEO双层卫星网星间链路设计方法

    A Link Stability-Based Intersatellite Link Design Strategy for LEO / MEO Two-Layered Satellite Networks

  20. 提出了一种在激光星间链路过程中的卫星平台振动补偿方案。

    A method of compensating the satellite vibrations in intersatellite laser links was presented .

  21. 移动卫星网络中的星间链路切换保护算法

    ISLs Handover Protection Algorithm for Mobile Satellite Networks

  22. 星间链路的总体设计和规划是其中重要的一项。

    Design and programming of inter-satellite links is an important one in this work .

  23. 星间链路监控的建模与仿真

    Modeling and Simulation of Link Control between Satellites

  24. 低轨卫星通信网络星间链路几何参数动态特性

    Dynamic characters of inter-satellite links in LEO networks

  25. 星间链路信道模型研究

    Research on the Inter-satellite Link Channel Model

  26. LEO/MEO星间链路可通性建模与仿真

    The Modeling and Simulation of Links ' Accessibility Between Satellites in LEO / MEO Constellation

  27. 卫星移动通信系统星间链路设计

    ISL Design for Mobile Satellite Communication System

  28. 这决定了小卫星编队星间链路是无线共享信道。需要一种简单有效的接入控制协议。

    An effective media access control protocol for formatting satellite wireless shared channel is needed .

  29. 分析在卫星信号截获中存在的星间链路信道和星地信道,并给出对应的数学模型。

    Inter-satellite link channel and satellite-land channel are analyzed and their mathematical models are presented .

  30. 具有星间链路的星座相位设计

    Phase design of constellation with inter-satellite links