
  • 网络prism stone;HFN Asteria;Starlight Jewel
  1. 声明:所有的申请资料梧州星光宝石制造有限公司仅用于申请审核。

    Please note that any data will be used exclusively by Starlight and only for request processing .

  2. 描述了红宝石、蓝宝石、粉蓝宝石、黄蓝宝石、绿蓝宝石、无色蓝宝石和星光宝石的特征、真伪鉴别方法及市场行情。

    Describes the characteristics , method of identification and the market of ruby , sapphire , pink sapphire , yellow sapphire , green sapphire , colorless sapphire and star gem .

  3. 星光-猫眼宝石的光学效应与加工工艺

    Optical effect and cutting technology of star and cat 's eye gemstone