
  1. 内画鼻烟壶是我国传统的民间工艺。

    Inside painting snuff bottle is a traditional Chinese folk art .

  2. 鼻烟壶中人们最感兴趣的就是内画鼻烟壶,也就是在壶的内部进行绘画或者书法创作。

    The class of bottle that arouses most interest is that known as inside painted .

  3. 在试制烤彩内画鼻烟壶过程中,薛京万根据陶瓷颜料的性能,发明了内画毛笔。

    During making this bottle Xue Jingwan invented the brush for inside painting according to the characters of the color of porcelain .

  4. 内画鼻烟壶是一种具有很高艺术价值的精巧独特的工艺品,是众多收藏家的必藏珍品。

    Inner-painted Snuff Bottle , a unique handicraft that is of a high artistic value , is the very treasure that lots of collector would collect .

  5. 内画鼻烟壶是中国独特的工艺品,它起源于清道光年间,迄今已有200多年的历史。

    Inner-painted Snuff Bottle , a unique Chinese handicraft , originated in the period of Emperor Daoguang in the Qing Dynasty and has a history of200 years .

  6. 内画鼻烟壶是在透明或半透明的壶胚中,用特制的微小钩形画笔,通过背画的技法,反笔在壶胚内壁进行书法和绘画创作。

    The Technological process of the interior painted snuff bottle is painting in a transparent or translucent embryo in the pot using a special small hook shaped brushes , through the " back painting " techniques , and do calligraphy and painting creation interior .

  7. 内画壶是鼻烟壶的一种。内画技艺起源于北京。

    The art of decorating snuff bottles from the inside originated in Beijing .

  8. 鼻烟壶内画就是在鼻烟壶内壁做画。

    Interior painting of snuff bottles is an art in and of itself .

  9. 随着鼻烟传入中国,盛放鼻烟的容器&鼻烟壶也逐渐出现,内画就是从鼻烟壶发展而来。

    With the container of snuff was introduced to China , the inner painting snuff bottle gradually appearing .