
  • 网络in close;internal block
  1. 中医分型:治疗组痰热内闭型13例,痰浊内盛型9例,瘀血内阻型7例,气虚血瘀型4例。

    TCM typing : In the treatment group , there were 13 cases of internal block due to phlegm and heat , 9 of internal excess due to stagnation of phlegm , 7 of internal block due to blood stasis and 4 of deficiency of qi due to blood stasis .

  2. 在解析函数列的收敛性定理的基础上,定义了实Clifford分析中正则函数列的一致有界、内闭一致有界及内闭一致收敛等概念,并讨论了正则函数列的几条性质。

    Resorting to the convergent theorem of sequence of the analytic function , we define the uniform bound , inner closed uniform bound and inner closed uniform convergence of the monogenic function in the real Clifford analysis . In addition , we discuss several properties of sequence of monogenic functions .

  3. 内闭一致有界共轭解析函数列的若干性质

    Some Properties of a Sequence of Inner-Closed Uniformly Bounded Conjugate Analytic Functions

  4. 线性凸组合内闭一致收敛的算子值解析函数的性质

    A Property of Operator valued Analytic Functions with Locally Uniform Convergence of Linear Convex Combination

  5. 通商贸易产生的商业力量打破了城市的内闭式结构,改变了城市的传统功能,引发了城市经济与社会结构的全新变化,城市建设也逐渐步入一个新的平台。

    Changed its traditional function ; and brought about new changes of the citys economic and social structure .

  6. 异常的程度依次为痰火内闭证>风痰闭阻证>肝肾亏虚证>心脾两虚证。

    The degree of anormal succession was : Syndrome of phlegm-fire retention Syndrome of wind-phlegm stagnation Syndrome of deficiency of the liver and kidney Syndrome of deficiency of the heart and spleen .

  7. 方法左后外侧切口胸腔内未闭动脉导管(PDA)结扎、缝扎术82例,切断缝合术35例;

    Methods Through the left posteroexternal incision , 82 cases of PDA were performed by ligation and 35 cases were performed by division and suture in chest pleurae ;

  8. NGF型内启闭无泄漏给粉机是火力发电厂锅炉燃烧系统主要的给粉设备,能把煤粉连续、匀地供给锅炉燃烧系统。

    Model NGF powder feeder with internal gate and leakproofness is a major pulverized coal feeding equipment in combustion system of power plant to feed coal into boiler continuously and evenly .

  9. 内可逆闭式中冷回热布雷顿循环功率效率特性大功率,超豪华,高效率

    Power and efficiency characteristic for an endoreversible closed intercooled regenerated Brayton cycle

  10. 管材内压闭端爆破测试系统的研制

    Development of Tester for Burst Property of Close-end Tube

  11. 研究内P&闭群的构造是一个相当活跃的课题。

    It is a very active project to study the structure of inner p-closed groups .

  12. 如要使用参考图书馆内的闭架图书、古迹及照片档案,有关人士必须在至少两个工作天前预约申请。

    Appointment at least two working days in advance will be necessary for viewing closed stack library collection , research and photos archives .

  13. RF内星轮(闭式)精密温锻工艺

    Technology of ( Enclosed Die ) Net Shape Warm Forge of RF Inner Star-Shaped Gear

  14. 利用Bessel函数的多项式近似,本文给出了在大参数条件下计算实心和管状圆柱形导线内阻抗的闭式公式。

    Using the polynomial approximations of Bessel functions , closed-form formulas are developed to deal with this problem in this paper .

  15. 面内开/闭弯载荷作用下压力管道弯头的塑性载荷研究

    Plastic Collapse Loads for Piping Elbows under In-plane Open / Close Bending Moment

  16. 今天练习之前省察内心的那一分钟内,最好闭起眼睛进行。

    The minute or so of mind searching which today 's exercises require is to be undertaken with eyes closed .

  17. 其阀板采用对偶板上加两个扭力弹簧的设计,可使阀板在压力范围内自行开闭。

    Its design two torque springs on the double disks which are closed by torque springs in the scope of pressure .

  18. 结果表明,开收盘机制导致的交易不连续是造成价格行为日内模式及闭市效应的重要因素。

    The result showed that the discontinuity of trading induced by the mechanism of market opening and closing imposed great influence on market closing effect and intraday price behavior .

  19. 方法发病后48h内,手术夹闭瘤颈和侧脑室外引流治疗FisherⅢ级动脉瘤破裂30例。

    Methods 30 patients classified as Fisher grade ⅲ were treated with ventriculostomy and aneurysm clipping within 48 hours after aneurysm rupture .